Zoom: Bill Johnson interviews Jim Simpson

By: Steve Huston

When everyone around you is losing their head, Christians should be grounded in and trusting in the power and love of Christ which leads to a rational and sound mind. So, we here at the American Decency Association would like to begin this invitation by thanking God for the technology available to us, God’s prompting to use it, and the many worthwhile patriotic guests that He has supplied us with for these Zoom interviews. We are sure that many of you feel the same way. Next, we want to thank you who have been faithfully tuning in, participating with questions, and inviting others in an effort to help us educate, stir, and encourage.

Please help us spread the word and join us this Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 1 PM (EST)as Bill Johnson interviews Jim Simpson.

Call 231-924-4050 or email kimberly@americandecency.org for your Zoom link and/or phone number if you’d rather join by phone.

Jim Simpson is an investigative reporter and author—The Red-Green Axis, The Red Green Axis 2.0, numerous articles posted through many venues, and he keeps a flow of current information coming through his emailed Swamp Report. This man digs deep into both the Islamic and Communist subversion that has infiltrated our government, and truly into all areas of our society. He was one of the many insightful truth-tellers that Curtis Bowers drew from in both of his AGENDA documentaries, and is currently running for a congressional seat in Maryland. He is a true patriot in every sense of the word.

In Agenda 2, Jim rightly stated that “We (America) have been the main stumbling block to world communism since it first raised its ugly head.” He has spent many years warning and fighting against the threat of communism in America, pointing out that “Their (communists)entire purpose was to detach our culture from any moral anchors whatsoever.” (Agenda 1) The reason for that is clear. They have to discredit God; He’s their competition. “It’s an age old question: Are we going to believe in God or are we going to play god ourselves.

These next quotes by Jim Simpson are lifted from AGENDA 1 and point to what is going on today:

Whittaker Chambers said, ‘Communism succeeds because most people that promote communist causes are not communists.’ The useful idiots, that Lenin called them, give it an heir of legitimacy it would never have if it was identified with communists and communism.”

Once people figure it out they’re going to do what people everywhere do; they’re going to start protesting and they’re going to start revolting. And when that happens, that’s when the powers that be feel threatened and they use the power that they have.” (Or attempt to extend or grab for power that they do NOT have, as we have seen in Michigan and other places.)

As with all wars, we must know who our enemy is and not underestimate them. If we want to win, we must be diligent in identifying the enemy and be willing to do whatever it takes to keep our Constitution and freedoms intact. Jim Simpson gives a somber warning:

One thing that we really have to realize is that this is a domestic enemy. This is not just people with different ideas; these are not just nice folks who have funny, silly ideas that they will eventually figure out or just not very mature. No, these people are dangerous, dangerous enemies and they are intent on overthrowing this country and imposing the socialist system that will mean extreme hardship for the vast majority of the people in this country.

Along with diligence, we need to be organized—truly organized—as Mr. Simpson also warns, “Lenin said that the organized minority will beat the disorganized majority every time.

This is sure to be an interesting interview as Bill Johnson points to where we have been and how these AGENDA films that Jim Simpson took part in have, and are, unfolding. These are days unlike anything America (or the world as a whole) has ever experienced. With global lock downs and a huge concerted effort to push socialist/communist agendas; with a planned attack against our economy; and governmental fear-mongering to scare people into believing that there is a crisis when there isn’t one; people are willing/wanting the government to do more instead of less.

As Christians, we believe those words that Paul shared with his spiritual son in 2 Timothy 1:7. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Join us on Thursday (5/14) at 1:00 PM (EST)for cutting edge information; a reminder of the power God has given us, a stirring up to the love we have received and are to show, and encouragement to sound-mindedness instead of the irrationality that we are being surrounded by.

Please pray for Bill, Jim, and all those who will be in attendance—that God would be glorified!

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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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