Yes. A Zoom that will tell you about a hugely important movie!

By: Bill Johnson


Join us on Zoom this Thursday, August 27 at 1:00 (EST)

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A personal note from me:  I just finished watching AFA Studio’s new movie release titled:
“Made in His Image.”

Just a few years ago we went out on a limb early and heavily promoted Curtis Bowers’ award-winning movie called:  “Agenda:  Grinding America Down.”  Through that movie,  Curtis forecasted the plight that was so much before us, to which most were largely clueless:
Communism was engrained (deep state) much more deeply than we suspected and was knocking at our door. That film is still being watched and opening eyes all across the country.

In a similar vein, AFA’s new documentary “Made in His Image” carries a highly significant and concerning message.

It is vital that you get acquainted with what, I believe, is one of the most significant documentaries of our day.  That’s a big statement.  But, the movie is that important.  Our loved ones, families, church family, nation needs to receive this message – “understand the times in order to know what to do.”

I know that you care about our present moment in time.   But how in the world did we decline so fast? How did we get here?  And, what is our hope built on?

It will be a privilege and joy to be talking with my very good friend Buddy Smith, American Family Senior Vice President as we discuss what we have seen over these years of ministry together.

Buddy has been my long-time friend since 1993 when we met in my early years of service as AFA’s first named state director (1987-1999).

Buddy first served as the right-hand man of one of America’s most influential Christian leaders of the 20th century, Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, founder and long-time President of American Family Association and American Family Radio.  Now, Buddy Smith, former pastor and gifted Gospel singer, continues in his longtime leadership position with AFA as Executive Vice President.

We will talk about many things, including some of our history, what we saw in the past, what we’re seeing today, and what lies ahead.  We’ll also talk about our love for Don Wildmon and what we learned from his leadership and from his frequent reminder that we are not called to be successful, but to be faithful.  In addition, we will be discussing our perspective from the battles of the 1980s:  pornography, the unleashing of X-rated videos back in the late  1980s, the Attorney General’s (AG Ed Meese) Commission on Pornography (Reagan Administration), to AFA’s efforts to raise up Christian leaders to be salt and light against television programs that crossed the line of decency (Christian Leaders for Responsibility in Television).

We’ll discuss the days when AFA raised up statewide chapters (affiliates) of the AFA to promote the Biblical ethic of decency in the American culture.  We will continue with discussions regarding the insidious undermining of Christian ethos and morality with the advent of television programming featuring the legitimization of homosexuality which paved the way over a relatively short time to the Obergefell vs. Hodges 2015 legalizing marriage between same sex couples.

And, Lord willing – and time permitting – so much more!    Whether few or many, this will be a blessing to those who are able to join with us!  Thank you, Buddy Smith!  Please join us Thursday, August 27 at 1:00 pm for what promises to be a compelling discussion.
Join the Zoom Meeting Thursday at 1:00 PM (EST):
Join Zoom Meeting:

or call: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID:  ID: 827 9873 0267
Passcode: 027700


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