As we watch the fabric of our national foundations being eroded before our very eyes, it can cause us to become unsettled and even fearful. Christians, particularly, have enjoyed religious liberty and have taken for granted that the framework of our Constitution would guarantee and protect our rights and freedoms. However; ALL American citizens must now wake up, recognize the looming and fast-approaching dangers, and recognize that the only sensible place to put our trust is in the Lord.
We’ve watched the dismantling of our First Amendment over recent years in regard to free speech and free exercise of religion, usually under the false premise of “the separation of church and state” or self-imposed due to the fear of not being “politically correct.” But when the highest court of the land lends a hand in shredding the Constitution it has sworn an oath to protect, we had better prepare for a wave of persecution unlike any this country has ever experienced. For example, we bring you…
Roberts Rules of Dis-Order
California has led the way as Democrat-led states have used a virus to unconstitutionally limit the free exercise of religion. With an opportunity to right this wrong, the Supreme Court instead put their stamp of approval on this blatant violation of religious liberty, with so-called conservative Chief Justice Roberts joining the liberal justices.
In his decision, Roberts equated churches with any other social activity that the state can regulate, ignoring the special protection the Constitution guarantees to churches. In his dissent, Justice Brett Kavanaugh strongly condemned such restrictions on churches as a direct violation of the First Amendment.
This decision makes two things clear. It can now be asserted that a precedent has been set that states can restrict religious liberty during any so-called crisis. And secondly, it proves the importance of nominating Constitutional justices as President Trump has done. (To read more about this click here.)
Remember, when you vote in November.
When we finally recognize the dire implications of what has been happening throughout this nation, abandoning freedom in the name of “peace” and/or “safety,” we will be tempted to give in to great fear. That’s not a Biblical response; instead, let it drive us to greater prayer, greater discernment, and greater diligence to holy living as described by the Word of God.
We Have Nothing to Fear BUT Fear Itself
Psalms 64:1 reads, “Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer: preserve my life from fear of the enemy.”
Did you catch that? David faced scary enemies; but his prayer was that God would preserve his life FROM FEAR of the enemy. Fear is often a more destructive force than the enemy itself is. Among many destructive choices, fear can cause us to not think rationally; but the worst effect fear can have on us is to not trust God, rationalizing our choices. Like ten of the twelve Israelite spies, we then see the enemy as a giant and ourselves as grasshoppers, instead of looking to and trusting in our sovereign and almighty God.
Fear is widespread in America today; it’s the enemy’s goal.It tempts us to give up our God-given freedoms, to turn to men rather than God, and it produces a sense of hopelessness and despair. Fight fear with God’s three-fold cord found in 2 Timothy 1:7 –a spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
It’s vital that we turn to faith rather than fear. Fear paralyzes while faith works and moves. When Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, he spoke highly of their work of faith, their labor of love, and their patient hope in Christ—these are terms of action. Many American Christians have enjoyed resting in their freedoms, allowing the church or other organizations to do the work that Christians, as individuals, are called to do. Yes, there is a place for groups to work on a larger scale; but that never negates our individual responsibility to the gospel and to our fellow man. We should work as though the apostle Paul were commending us as the he did the Thessalonians. We should put forth the effort longing to hear Jesus say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant…enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”
In saying this, let us remember…
The Real Light on the Hill
John Winthrop’s sermon “A Model of Christian Charity,” better known as his “City Upon a Hill” speech, aptly described the vision for America’s future.
During the following 390 years, America’s light has become dimmed by increasing sin and lawlessness, almost to the point of being snuffed out. Even if our nation’s light should ever be extinguished, let us remember that these words were first spoken by Jesus, to and about His followers.
As Christians, let us remember that WE are that city. “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16)
The days are getting dark; that’s when our light will shine brighter. Let us not hide that light under a bushel of fear; instead, trust in the Lord and look to Him for protection. Use His weapons and armor to stand fast and speak truth.
Christian, let Christ’s Light shine through YOU!
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