Join us at 203 E. Main St, in Fremont this Friday (10/16) at either 1 PM or 7 PM for the film In His Image.
People, on both the Right and the Left, often get so caught up in the issues that they forget that there are real people, with real problems, and real hurts behind the issues. It’s easy to cast looks of surprise, spurious glances, words of disdain, or just pretend that these people don’t exist; as if casting a physical stone, those things only add to their hurt.
One such issue that is increasingly pushing into our sphere is the LGBTQ agenda and those who are caught up in it. Remember, these are real people with real hurts; they need to know there is a real solution to their problems and a real healing for their brokenness. Each of us experiences brokenness and hurt when we rebel against that which God has made us to be. Those caught up in Satan’s LGBTQ web of deceit rebel at the most foundational level, experiencing some of the deepest brokenness and hurt. Many are looking for acceptance and love; Christ offers such love and acceptance as they humbly bow to Him in repentance.
Like Jesus, we are to be a people who show compassion from a heart of unfeigned love; like Him we should be full of grace and truth. Christians are to be ambassadors of Christ, winsomely drawing all types of sinners to God through Jesus, even as we were once drawn to Him. Thank God for His grace!
FREE film:
This is why the American Decency Association is grateful to partner with the American Family Association (AFA) in presenting their latest film, In His Image. It’s an incredible opportunity to watch and learn, to hear life-changing stories from those who were broken and deceived, to be encouraged to go out and make a difference by being the Light of Christ in someone’s darkness. This is a great opportunity that can lead to an amazing privilege! Click here to watch this amazing trailer.
Dr. Michael Brown hosts this one-of-a-kind documentary, stating, “It has been crafted with love and care by a team of producers and theologians and medical professionals and moms and dads and sons and daughters, all of whom unite with one voice to proclaim, ‘God has a better way!’” He continues, “It is our fervent prayer that the Lord would use this biblically-based, truth-telling movie to educate, equip, and encourage the church, bringing healing and hope to all those who are hurting and confused. May we learn what it means to be created in the image of God.”
FREE magazine:
When you join us at the American Decency building (203 E. Main St. in Fremont) this Friday (10/16) at either 1 PM or 7 PM you will be given a free gift. The AFA Journal has put out a special edition that surrounds the many topics of this movie, In His Image. This issue speaks into families, the medical profession, the culture, and the church. It deals with real people, real facts, and real objective truth. Having looked through it, I would show up just for this free copy if nothing else!
AFA’s Buddy Smith will be joining us through Zoom to introduce this masterpiece. After the film, also through Zoom, you will be able to meet some of these people whose lives have been transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their stories are full of encouragement and hope; what a blessing to interact with them in real time.
The title of this article is “What’s at Stake?” The answer is an opportunity to grow, change, and be the person God has created you to be, both for the sinner and the saint. I urge you to join us; challenge you to bring others; and pray for God’s Spirit to work in all who attend.
We are grateful to God that He has moved on the hearts and minds of our friends, showing us a little of what is inside them. Your notes of encouragement, prayers, and financial support mean so much to us; without them, we wouldn’t be able to do the important work that God has laid upon us.
Won’t you prayerfully seek the Lord’s will to come alongside us again, supporting us in whatever manner you feel led? Thank you.
To support our efforts, please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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