Trump Derangement Syndrome 2.0

By: Steve Huston


Regardless of what one calls it—civil war, revolution, etc.—we are in the midst of it and up to our eyeballs. It’s plain to see that there is a treasonous coup taking place upon our government. The main actors are within our government to be sure; but make no mistake, there has been great influence from abroad as well. Decades of sedition, both foreign and domestic, (education, media, unchecked lawlessness with no justice throughout the branches of our government), has garnered support for this treasonous coup that is taking place.

A quick flyover at 20,000 feet reveals, in part, the mental landscape in which we find ourselves trying to maneuver and what we can expect in the days ahead: the Left’s dehumanizing of conservatives before and since the 2016 election with terms like deplorables, dregs, chumps, maggots, and many calls for treating them with incivility, threats, violence, and death – including numerous death threats against President Trump with little to no consequences; false accusations of President Trump colluding with Russia and others, thereby stealing the election; an impeachment trial; further violence in the streets through BLM, Antifa, and others, tearing down statues, burning businesses, murder, rape, calls to defund the police, and taking over cities; the weaponization of a virus to destroy a healthy economy, further foment fear among the populace, and raise dictatorial governors while blaming a sitting president for all the nation’s woes; all these things leading up to a fraudulent election that the Left (by all apparent purposes) set up to steal with a little help from their friends.

Shakespeare wouldn’t stop with Denmark; he’d say, “Something’s rotten” in the state of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and the list goes on. When we look at voter fraud (dead people, illegals, voting more than once, thousands of extra ballots turned in with 100% for only Joe Biden and nothing down ticket, etc.), election fraud (Hammer, Scorecard, Dominion – if you don’t know these terms look into them), and the ways in which counting centers (like Detroit) refused transparency, anyone with an ounce of objectivity would have to admit that the potential for wrongdoing is huge. And yet, as AG Barr authorizes voter fraud investigation, as Rudy Giuliani finds that 650,000 unlawful ballots were cast in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as whistle-blowers tell of fraud, as White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany announces 234 pages of affidavits alleging election irregularities – in Wayne County, Michigan alone – as wrong-doing is consistently uncovered, the Leftist propaganda arm, a.k.a media, says, “Nothing to see here, folks.”

Fox News actually cut off McEnany while she was explaining the President’s refusal to concede the election. When she got to stating that the Democrat Party welcomed fraud, the anchor cut in stating, that’s without proof “…I can’t in good conscience  continue showing you this.”

Candace Owens shows, in her following email, how the Left’s propaganda arm (media) and the Left’s Big Tech (can we call it the Left’s cyber military?) are causing further division, obfuscating and, if possible, obliterating the truth, while stirring up and transforming their followers from a “blue wave” to a “blue tsunami!”

She writes: “Here’s how the media is reporting on clear, undeniable election fraud:

*  The New York Times: “Torrent of Falsehoods,”
*  CNN: “Baseless voter fraud claims,”
*  NPR: “False Claims of Fraud, Rigged Election,”
*  CBS News: “Voter fraud complaint is ‘garbage,’”

Meanwhile, Big Tech is getting in on the scam too:

*  Facebook has banned the 300,000-person “Stop the Steal” group… by ludicrously claiming they were “inciting violence,”
*  Twitter is censoring the President of the United States himself whenever he makes a completely justifiable claim about election fraud.
Their goal? Con the American people into believing that Joe Biden won this election fairly… and make them see the President as a “sore loser.”

I’ll be blunt: if we let this phony media narrative go uninterrupted, it will do permanent damage to President Trump even if he successfully fights back against this sham election.

I would add to Ms. Owen’s words above that even feigned friend FOX News has gone the way of Chick-fil-A, turning on their conservative base with skewed reporting, results, and quieting the conservative voices that call Fox home.

First, it’s not the media’s place to name anyone president elect. Secondly, as they continue to perpetuate this likely fraud upon the American people it only further solidifies the lie and deepens the hatred for President Trump and his supporters. As this continues it will only make Trump Derangement Syndrome 1.0 look like love compared to 2.0. After all, the media has groomed these folks into believing the Biden/Harris win is a done deal; that there isn’t any proper cause to look for improprieties in this election – except for now as the President uncovers what has happened; and that whatever feelings of animosity they may have, and whatever they may do, is justified.

Put yourself in their position (we were there when we went to bed on the evening of November 3 – but to a lesser degree); how would you feel? Under the presumption that they have won, New York Rep. AOC, with retribution in mind, wants to make a list of Trump supporters. Remember the violence that’s been perpetuated against MAGA supporters for the past four years. I shudder to imagine what things will look like if it unfolds that President Trump would rightfully continue to lead our nation.

Whatever transpires in the days ahead: We must continue to firmly but kindly speak truth. We mustn’t forget that there are still great numbers of American people who are good and kind and desirous of helping others. We must remember that God expects us to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him. We mustn’t forget that God is sovereign and in control. We must always remember that God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Our faith, hope, and trust MUST ALWAYS be in Him. And regardless of whoever is deemed the president of these United States, we must still repent as a nation and praise God as individuals.


We are grateful to God that He has moved on the hearts and minds of our friends, showing us a little of what is inside them. Your notes of encouragement, prayers, and financial support mean so much to us; without them, we wouldn’t be able to do the important work that God has laid upon us.

Won’t you prayerfully seek the Lord’s will to come alongside us again, supporting us in whatever manner you feel led? Thank you.

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