The Embattled Internet

By: Bill Johnson


The link for tomorrow’s Zoom discussion with Steve Ensley scheduled for Thursday, July 16, 2020 (1:00 PM EST)

If you are not able to connect online, you can join the meeting on your phone by calling:  1-312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 878 9816 8227
Password: 154628

It wasn’t that many years ago when computers weren’t all that popular.  It was seen and used more for business ventures, calculating and the like.

But that was then (early 90s) and now is now.

Steve Ensley was one of the early pioneers in the realm of the Internet employed in the corporate world with both Meijer, Inc. and with Gordon Foods – both highly regarded corporations.

Then Steve, sensing a ministry calling in regard to using his gifts regarding technology, answered the call accepting an offer by American Family Association  and American Family Radio founder and long time President Donald Wildmon to be their, as Don Wildmon called him back in that day, “computer feller.”   And over a number of years, Steve proved to be a great asset for AFA back in those days as AFA’s ministry operation expanded and exploded.  Steve was a part of those days.

As pornography exploded on the Internet, there was the need for a reliable and a Christian conviction based Internet filtering that would be an aggressive filter developed and maintained to protect the family from the pornographic assault that was aggressively advancing across the Internet.

Steve also happens to be one of my best friends with our friendship going back to the early 1990s.  Steve has in earlier years also served as a board member for our American Decency Association.

We are going to cut to the quick on the subject of massive issues surrounding the Internet, technology, social media.

Here are a few of the topics that will be discussed.

– The Internet:  The good, the bad and the ugly
– Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. – ongoing trends and concerns
– How does Black Lives Matter benefit from the social media?
–  Very little is said about pornography on the Internet in these days.  How much of a problem is pornography today?
– What is cybersecurity?
–  We hear a lot about China using the Internet, social media to collect data.  What does that mean?  What are they doing with that data?
– What about Facebook? Twitter? Instagram?  Are they all engaged in data collection?
– A lot of phone companies like Sprint, AT&T, Alltel, etc. all are talking about 5 G.   What can you tell us about 5 G?  I have some very concerning things about what’s coming
– Has the Christian community just caved on pursuing holiness when it comes to holiness?

In closing, join us if you can on Thursday, July 16, 2020 (1:00 PM EST):

If you are not able to connect online, you can join the meeting on your phone by calling:  1-312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 878 9816 8227
Password: 154628

We look forward to our time together!


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Won’t you prayerfully seek the Lord’s will to come alongside us again, supporting us in whatever manner you feel led? Thank you.

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