The Bible warns of troublesome times; they are all around us. A sound reading of Second Timothy chapter three would leave anyone without a doubt that these are the perilous times and last days that the apostle warns young Timothy about. On a brighter note, God also exhorts us to stand firm and provides the strength to obey. Every true Christian will take the commands and warnings of God seriously. Each of us needs to understand the times in which we live and what to do. Don’t miss out on our first conference of the year! Register today, join us on February 21 and 22, and be taught from men who are serious handlers of the Word of God! Details below.
Our Standing Firm Against Deception conference is for anyone who desires an integration of the Word of God with life response/action. In other words, if you love and trust God’s Word and you want to know how to apply it to your personal life in these dangerous days (and more evil days yet to come), this conference is for you!
Friday, February 21 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Saturday, February 22 from 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Location: American Decency Association—203 E. Main St, Fremont, MI 49412
Register TODAY: by calling 231-924-4050 or at
We often leave conferences asking, “What can I really do? How can I make a difference?” Since this conference deals with each one of us on a personal level and God’s Word is sufficient for our lives, these questions will be rendered irrelevant; because attendees will learn what the Word of God tells us, recognizing that whatever may befall our nation, our culture, and even our church, WE CAN STILL STAND FIRM by the power of God.
This conference is for your personal edification, the strengthening of your family, the bolstering up of your church, and the implementation of it could change your community. Invite your family, friends, and church to attend with you!
Be encouraged by these message descriptions:
Bill Johnson: Let No One Deceive You In Any Way. II Thessalonians 2:3-6
Deception and falsehood are attacking our culture and society today in such force and in ways that we’ve not experienced before. Political deception is stronger and even the church has bought into deception that always begins with, “Has God really said?” With deception and delusion crowding in from every side, our society—particularly our children—are being deceived regarding political and theological ideologies, while the lines are further blurred between the holy and the profane. If it weren’t for the restraining work of the Holy Spirit, things would truly be out of control. Can we keep from being deceived? Only by KNOWING the Word and the Spirit—that’s where we will find safety.
Bob Van Manen: The Mystery of Lawlessness Is Already at Work. II Thessalonians 2:7-12
The battle rages; it IS spiritual warfare! Yes, there’s a battle for our culture; but in a bigger sense, it’s a battle for the mind and soul of each individual. We see lawlessness everywhere but the believer can be assured that God will, through the Lord Jesus, make all things right; evil will be vanquished and justice will be served! To be on the Lord’s side is to be”on the right side of history.” Paul gives us the key to overcoming deception: love the truth and walk in righteousness—not according to man’s thinking but by the Word of God. In Joshua 1:7 God’s people were commanded to be strong and very courageous so that they might walk obediently according to God’s Word, not turning to the right or the left, that they would be successful.
Vern Picknally: So Then, Stand Firm. II Thessalonians 2:13-17
So embattled on every side, to stand firm sounds tiring; how can we possibly endure to the end? Paul gives us great encouragement as he reminds us that it is the work of God! It is God who saves us and sanctifies us; it’s by His grace that we stand firm IN HIS ALMIGHTY POWER. We could never do it in our own strength. It’s a constraining comfort and a holy hope which establishes and strengthens us. To His glory and to His Kingdom’s end, STAND FIRM! Around this persecuted globe, wherever Satan’s darts are hurled, God’s people stand firm.
Perhaps there is no better present day example of standing firm than Chinese pastor Wang Yi, recently imprisoned for his faith by the communist regime. In a letter he had written to be released at his arrest, Pastor Wang puts forth how we Christians should live in the face of opposition. Remaining faithful to God’s Word may increasingly require us to disobey the powers of this age, even as we submit to the earthly authority God has ordained. While we should oppose any law of man which goes against God’s law, our ultimate goal is not to change the “regime,” but to be a voice of truth in spite of persecution.
I’m excited about this, are you? I can’t wait for February 21 and 22; I’m expecting great things! Save the date and join us for the Standing Firm Against Deception conference hosted by the American Decency Association.
Many conferences offered today would cost a minimum of $10 for you to attend, most charging much more. We at American Decency charge nothing because we desire to educate and bolster up believers in these very trying times. A quality conference that costs you nothing but your time and attention, we want you to take advantage of this. Bring others who need their faith strengthened or who you want to encourage. These are perilous times and the evil is growing day by day; yet, OUR GOD REIGNS!
Register TODAY: by calling 231-924-4050 or at
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