The Christian Post sported this headline on Wednesday (January 15, 2020): March for Life Chicago sees record turnout; organizers witnessing ‘hearts and minds change’ on abortion.
I don’t expect to see 9,000 people in Fremont at the American Decency Building (203 E. Main) at noon tomorrow (January 18, 2020); BUT, I do hope you’ll come and bring friends and family with you for the Newaygo County March for Life. Let’s make this one of the largest turn outs they’ve had!
If one is familiar with the Bible, then, Molech is probably a name that is recognizable, as is the phrase, “they caused their sons and daughters to pass through the fire.” According to Jewish tradition (NOT specifically written in the Bible), the following is a description of babies sacrificed to this false god Molech:
Molech “was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.”
Thanks to technology, these barbarous acts take place within the silence of the womb. No one hears the cries that are present, except the Heavenly Father, theirs and our Creator. And as a society, that has for too long been asleep, starts to awaken to these silent cries—when we start to come to our senses—there are the “shout out your abortion” crowd, and the loud misnomer of “women’s reproductive health care,” to act as the priest’s drum beating so that many cannot hear the silent cry of the child and go back to their sleep of apathy.
Instead of allowing our society to turn a blind eye to the snuffing out of these image bearers of God; instead of allowing this culture of death to bang their drums so loud that the silent cries are not heard; be a voice and be a light! Often, if not daily, make others aware of the horrifying fact that abortion is the murder of real and living souls!
Start by inviting others to join you tomorrow. The March for Life can be a conversation starter as well as a way to speak for those whose cries are silenced in the womb. It can be a light that shines on this darkness of death. We have become too accustomed to this just being the way things are; would you feel more outrage if you were to witness firsthand the description of Molech above? This IS what happens thousands of times daily in our country.
A March for Life is the least we can do to help bring awareness to the serial killing that takes place every day in America.Don’t just show up, march in the cold, and go back to the status quo. Let it be your first step to being more vocal this year. Join us at noon tomorrow (Saturday) at the American Decency Association. March thoughtfully and with purpose. March with a resolve to keep marching for life throughout this year.
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