Newaygo County Right to Life is sponsoring a March For Life this Saturday, January 18, 2020. The March will start at the American Decency building on Main and Darling in Fremont at noon. We will march through downtown and return there for refreshments. For more information call Dee at 924-0259 or email her at
When it comes to having an abortion, there are basically two types of people: those who agonize over the decision to kill their baby (for whatever reason) and those who “scream” for their right to murder their young as though the child had no more value than yesterday’s garbage.
Regardless the reason, it can never outweigh the fact that each mother and each child in her womb is an image bearer of God.In snuffing out that light we have no idea of the breadth or depth of impact that we are unleashing upon our society. What we do know is that God is not mocked and whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap. What started out as a Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion in January of 1973 has resulted in multiple millions of lives destroyed with consequential effects upon this land spiritually, economically, emotionally, mentally, and the list goes on. No one could possibly imagine that we would come as far as we have: a whole-sale, government-subsidized murder industry that is now willing to unleash its murderous fury upon even the newborn, if he/she is born in the wrong state.
All should be appalled; and Christians should hang their heads in shame and call out to God in repentance that our land embraces this culture of death. Let us speak the truth in love and compassion. Bring awareness to this heinous sin by joining others this Saturday at the American Decency Association headquarters at noon, showing solidarity for the unborn. Let your feet be a voice for those who cannot be heard.
To support our efforts, please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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