Time is of the essence; we need to REMIND our US Senators and Congressmen: THEY represent YOU, and it is TIME to DO THEIR JOBS! Urge them: “Please file objections to the seven contested state’s electoral votes!” Click here to find an email address, phone number, or twitter account—Let them hear your “voice,” letting them know what you expect. Even more importantly contact your Senator with a prewritten email by clicking here.
The Epoch Times reports: “The president and several third parties are pursuing legal challenges in six of the seven states, including several cases pending in the U.S. Supreme Court. The lawsuits allege that millions of votes—enough to alter the outcome of the 2020 presidential race—were illegally cast, processed, or counted. Actions by the courts in any of the cases over the next two weeks would impact how the electors from the disputed states are counted during the joint session of Congress.
“Rule as they may, the courts can’t dictate how each member of Congress should vote. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), the first congressman to say he will lodge a challenge when the votes are counted, told The Epoch Times that it’s up to individual citizens to demand that their representatives take a stand and support the challenges.
“‘The only thing that will get the congressmen and senators to do what is right for our country on this issue of voter fraud and election theft is active participation by American citizens who want honest and accurate elections. Now, can American citizens actively participate? Very simply, they have to call their congressmen and their senators and demand that they support this effort to protect our election system from fraud and illegal conduct,’” Brooks told The Epoch Times on Dec. 21.
“‘And the way in which our congressmen and senators do that is by rejecting the Electoral College votes of those states who have such badly flawed election systems as to render the reported election results unreliable and inaccurate.’”
Time is short and there is very much at stake. If one is able to attain the highest office of the land through deceit and fraud, there will be nothing to stop them from further destroying our nation. It’s vital that the Constitution of the United States of America be upheld and followed; this goes for the election integrity process as well. It is up to the American citizen to contact those who they have put in office and demand that each representative and senator fulfill his/her oath of office, part of which is to defend the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. Anyone attempting to circumnavigate the Law of the Land should be considered such an enemy.
Make contact with them through whatever means you are able. Call, email, and/or tweet today. Urge your friends, family, and church to do likewise. Click here to find ways to make these contacts. Even more importantly contact your Senator with a prewritten email by clicking here.
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Won’t you prayerfully seek the Lord’s will to come alongside us again, supporting us in whatever manner you feel led? Thank you.
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