It was a great privilege for me to spend time with American Family Association’s Buddy Smith as we continued our spirit-filled time together (in part) going down “memory lane” as we spent treasured time discussing the great Donald E. Wildmon, founder and longtime president of American Family Association and American Family Radio.
I lifted up a few quotes that came from Don Wildmon asking Buddy to comment.
We are engaged in a great spiritual war, unlike anything our country has ever experienced. The struggle is not against dirty words or dirty pictures. Rather the struggle is against a philosophy of life that is diametrically opposed to the Christian view of man. The clashes between the Christian view of man — which has been the very foundation of our society since it began — and a materialistic, hedonistic, secular, humanistic view of man. May/June 1985. AFA Journal
Buddy spoke of Don’s passionate, focused commitment and his prophetic voice lived out day by day in his labor of love for God and country.
We discussed his significant legacy of god-honoring service as he plowed the hard ground of calling out America: corporations in their advertising on trash tv programs, pastors for their silence, and urging moms and dads to be watchful and discerning and to boycott companies that were contributing to the degradation of America’s airwaves.
And, this: “Finally. One last word. Involvement means a cross. There will be times — many of them — when your only source of strength will be the Man who hung on a cross so that all of us could have life, and have it more abundantly.” May/June 1985. AFA Journal
Dear friends: These words need to be heard and lived out today. May this time that I spent with Buddy Smith be an encouragement to you!
I encourage you to go to
For those of you who particularly appreciate reminders of elements of the warfare fought in the past that hold significant implications for today, I also highly recommend last week’s initial interview herewith Buddy Smith.
I sure hope you won’t take these zoom meetings lightly. There is a lot of meat and potatoes right here for you. Also, it would be special to hear from you if you are attentive to these special zoom events.
Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the last piece of our discussion. It has to do with a movie of great import that we will be promoting with as much gusto and ability as we can bring. It is called “In His Image”, a production of AFA studio. Please take a moment to get a taste of its significance – here:
Almost everyone today knows someone who is entrapped by the LGBT ideology. We must know how to reach out in God’s love to this confused group. Satan is a deceiver and he has deceived many in and outside the church regarding this ideology.
In closing, dear friends, we are in a fight of our lives here in our beloved America. We are one ministry, but we are engaged! We thank God that there are people who appreciate who and what American Decency Association is and want to keep us in the fight – to the Glory of God! Your gift in these late summer days truly would be a great encouragement.
Bless you each one.
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