Your Action Now to Stop Planned Parenthood

By: American Decency Staff


The Final Commission vote is Tuesday, April 16 at 3:30 (come early!)
at the Louis McMurray Transit Center, 2624 Sixth St, Muskegon Hts.*

Here’s how you can helpClick here to send an email NOW to each Muskegon County Commissioner.  We also encourage you togive them a call, or show up in person on April 16 (for those in Muskegon County.)  Share with your friends, family, and church. We need to generate a lot of emails; Planned Parenthood has national support! We urge you to get your family and friends to join you in contacting the commissioners below; they are currently getting inundated with hundreds of emails from Planned Parenthood supporters. Take the time necessary to let your voice be heard. It’s vital that the county commissioners hear from you or Planned Parenthood will prevail.

Take action!  Click here to send an email NOW to each Muskegon County Commissioner.  You can also call them at: 

Rillastine Wilkins:  –  231 733-1581
Susie Hughes:  – 231 343-4092
Charles Nash:  – 231 220-2037
Bob Scolnik:  –  231 798-2828
Gary Foster:  – 231 760-6594
John Snider II: – 231 744-0449

For those in Muskegon County, there will be a hearing in Muskegon this coming Tuesday, April 16, and your help is needed!  We have a one time opportunity to remove Planned Parenthood from the Muskegon County building!

The final Full Board vote will be Tuesday, April 16 at 3:30 pm (come early).
Louis McMurray Transit Center, 2624 Sixth St, Muskegon Hts.*

Kathy Moore, the Director of the Muskegon County Public Health Department has initiated a request to the Muskegon County Commission to terminate the Lease Agreement with Planned Parenthood.

Her request describes the problems and proposed solutions for the Muskegon County Public Health Department.  It’s very well written and makes this vote a business decision, not a political issue.    (You can read her proposal online at the Muskegon County Commissioners Human Services Committee Agenda for April 9, 2019.)

This resolution passed in the Health & Human Services Committee on April 9.  The final Full Board vote will be Tuesday, April 16 at 3:30 pm.

Zack Lahring, our prolife Muskegon County Commissioner, is asking for an outpouring of prolife people at this meeting on April 16.  Even though the resolution passed on April 9, it’s not uncommon for the vote counts to change in the week before the final vote.  It’s expected that Planned Parenthood will provide immense pressure.  This makes it even more important to have a large number of people there on April 16. The majority will sway the vote.

Public Comment will sway the vote.  Your voice is needed, please come and speak!

NOTE:  When you get up to the 4th floor, you have to sign a slip of paper to speak, and you get to speak when they call your name.

If you don't sign up, you can't speak. If you don’t speak, you’re not counted.

All you need to say is a short statement.  You will only have a two minute opportunity to speak.  Here are suggested short statements:

•        I support the Muskegon County Public Health Department’s request to terminate the lease agreement with Planned Parenthood.

•        I support Muskegon County Public Health Department’s request to reclaim clinical space/rooms leased to PP to expand STD/HIV services to high-risk residents in Muskegon County.

•        I support the Muskegon County Public Health Department’s request to reclaim space leased to PP to assure safe, confidential and sanitary operations for all nursing programs/services within the health department.

•        The lease with Planned Parenthood is a bad business deal; the county is losing money on this lease.  I support the Muskegon County Public Health Department’s request to terminate this lease.

•        Planned Parenthood is a substandard performing subcontractor for the county, as they’ve failed to reduce STDs in the county of Muskegon.  I support the Muskegon County Public Health Department’s request to terminate Planned Parenthood’s lease.

The above comments are the reasons cited in the request to terminate the lease for Planned Parenthood, and they keep this a business decision, not a ‘political issue’.

Action point for Muskegon County citizens:

The Planned Parenthood advocates experienced in such commission affairs are expecting that the 56 persons supporting the resolution to terminate the lease with Planned Parenthood have walked away from the April 9 meeting thinking that the matter is a done deal, and that the Muskegon County Commissioners vote will remain the same as it was at the recent meeting.   THIS IS NOT THE CASE!

Planned Parenthood was caught off guard by the pro-life voices at the April 9th meeting, Planned Parenthood will turn out much larger numbers for the April 16th meeting. 

We are only sure of 1 vote at this meeting.  The other yes vote will not be at the meeting.  That leaves 8 to vote.  If the vote ends in a tie, we lose.  Your attendance will help influence the vote.  Our majority worked on April 9, our majority of attendees on April 16 is our only hope in this one time opportunity to remove Planned Parenthood from our County building.

The need?  The need is for the 56 vocal people to expand to a gathering of at least 100 in favor of passing the resolution to terminate the lease with Planned Parenthood as requested by the Director of the Muskegon Public Health Department.

Many supporters of Planned Parenthood are expected.  People need to show up early! (2:30 PM is not too early!)

We may need to be flexible at the last moment because of some procedural maneuvers which may include a change of location.   Come early!

It’s important that you stay until you have an opportunity to speak.  You are not counted unless you speak.

Much is at stake.  Talk with others, focus on people that you know will take this, prayerfully backed, and show up at the Louis McMurray Transit Center* next Tuesday, April 16 before 3:30 pm.

*NOTE:  Please check Muskegon County Right to Life Facebook page ( updates on the April 16 meeting.  It’s possible the meeting may be moved to a larger venue.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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