As we sat around the table preparing to write the July newsletter, I commented that the issues facing us are hardening. Incrementally, we are moving further away from the “One Nation Under God” that our Founding Fathers painstakingly (and prayerfully) crafted for those who would come after them.
Truly, it’s difficult to watch human civility and, “doing unto others what you would have them do unto you” be torn up and stomped on.
Beyond national events, we also had heavy hearts because Judy Krause, our precious friend and colleague, passed into eternity late Sunday night on June 16.
As 1 Thessalonians 4:13 reminds us, “We mourn not as those who have no hope,” but we mourn for ourselves and the loss we experience as Judy goes to her heavenly home. God had equipped Judy in her journey here, which more and more feels like a “foreign land.”
Judy lamented what we’ve been observing in our nation, but she never exhibited a spirit of giving up or giving in. As her son Randy wrote: “Her life was a gift to everyone she contacted. Truly a blessing, a light from Christ. Her values are passed on! Not only by what she gave but by what she instilled in loving hearts. She did not just talk faith, her actions spoke volumes. My thoughts are from a bittersweet heart. We suffer from losing her and rejoice knowing she is with God.” And she is!
Judy’s earthly work is done. She is at rest in Him. As God called Judy to this work of standing up for purity, righteousness, and holiness, He has called us too! We still have a work today; a work that is given to us from our Heavenly Father: to plow, to seed, to fight, to be faithful. He has called us not to give in or give up in spite of the wickedness that is so overwhelming at times. Judy is now part of that great cloud of witnesses spoken of in Hebrews 12 – worshipping her God and King. May the testimony she leaves behind urge us onward in Christ!
Even as we mourn for Judy, we seek to continue the work she was passionate about. Judy was well past retirement age. One of the things we most appreciated was that she didn’t need to be here! She was at ADA only because she wanted to be. She was so concerned about the world she was leaving for her precious grandchildren, as are we.
Judy’s race is completed; ours is not yet finished. Will you join with us in the race? We are once again seeing the downward trend in giving we typically experience during the summer months. Your gifts, notes, and prayers are our lifeblood. As God leads, please help! Thank you.
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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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