Dave Agema, former member of both the Michigan House of Representatives and of the Republican National Committee, had these words to share about Memorial Day:
“Many people forget and simply enjoy a day off from work and take our freedoms for granted. This country was founded with the barrel of a gun and it will take one to keep it. Throughout history there has always been many wars, some just and some initiated by men seeking money, lands and fame. Until our Lord returns history will repeat itself. Those that are prepared will survive. Those that are not will perish. Stalin said that America is like a strong body and one could defeat it if you destroy its religion, morality and patriotism. Today America is under attack from within and without using Stalin’s principles. May we be wise enough to see it and be willing to fight against it and uphold the republic that many have died to protect.”
These words come from a true freedom fighter; whether flying a fighter jet, flying through the Legislature against the winds of political opinion, or flying in the face of unpopular public opinion, Dave Agema will always be a freedom fighter.
American Decency Association is pleased to host another life-long freedom fighter and lover of liberty, Rafael Cruz, father of Texas Senator, Ted Cruz. Pastor Cruz will be in Fremont at the American Decency Headquarters, located at 203 E. Main St, at 7 PM on Friday, June 7, 2019. Don’t miss out! Register here! (Limited seating available)
Born in Cuba, Rafael fought Batista’s oppressive regime, was imprisoned and tortured for his efforts, came to America to fight for the “American Dream,” and continues that fight to this day. This life-long freedom fighter shares the Word of God as he speaks out against Communism because he has lived on both sides of freedom’s torch and recognizes the truth of these following words from Whittaker Chambers (former Russian Communist spy).
“Freedom is a need of the soul, and nothing else. It is in striving toward God that the soul strives continually after a condition of freedom. God alone is the inciter and guarantor of freedom. He is the only guarantor. External freedom is only an aspect of interior freedom. Political freedom, as the Western world has known it, is only a political reading of the Bible. Religion and freedom are indivisible. Without freedom the soul dies. Without the soul there is no justification for freedom. Necessity is the only ultimate justification known to the mind. Hence every sincere break with Communism is a religious experience, though the Communist fail to identify its true nature, though he fail to go to the end of the experience. His break is the political expression of the perpetual need of the soul whose first faint stirring he has felt within him, years, months or days before he breaks. A Communist breaks because he must choose at last between irreconcilable opposites—God or Man, Soul or Mind, Freedom or Communism.” (emphasis mine)
It’s our prayer that these budding Communists/Socialists that are so pervasive throughout our country, thanks in part to anti-American educators (although there are many good teachers scattered here and there), will be turned by the Truth of God’s Word and the recounting of historical fact. If we don’t present our young adults with Biblical and historical truth, why shouldn’t they believe everything that they’ve been spoon fed? With this in mind, we urge you to encourage the young people in your life (teens and adults) to attend this event with you. Discuss these things with them afterward. Let them know that America was almost lost at its inception due to a trial-run at socialism. Help them understand that countries throughout the ages that bought into Socialism/Communism came to financial ruin, the death of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and that America is being led down a road of destruction by well laid and patiently played Communist plans.
Although President Trump proclaimed that America will never be a socialist nation, we must remember that one day his watch will come to an end. This is merely a reprieve and we should be using this God-given opportunity to educate and to stir our young adults; this is the time to impress upon them the truth of history and Biblical concepts/lessons. One day you and I will be gone; the kind of nation our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will inherit largely depends upon what we have done with this reprieve and our individual opportunities. Throughout the Word of God we see this principle worked out; we see it in the lives of those around us as well: Blessing follows obedience.
We may not have the voice, platform, or sphere of influence that Dave Agema, Rafael Cruz, and others have; but we can be freedom fighters too. We do have a voice, a platform, and a sphere of influence; how will you use yours? One small way is to encourage others to come and hear the truth, discuss these important topics regularly, and speak from the authority of God’s Word.
We hope to see you at the American Decency Headquarters (203 E. Main St) at 7 PM on Friday, June 7, 2019. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Pastor Rafael Cruz speak into some of the most urgent issues of our day. Register here! (Limited seating available)
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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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