Fellow American Christians: Where are our tears? Some may ask, “For what?” How about the killing of unborn (and born) babies by the millions to start with. A Democratic party that has made abortion a centerpiece and a Republican Party that has lacked the convictions to fight for life when it has been the party in control. How about tears for often failing to teach our children the difference between the holy and the profane?
God sent barbarians into Israel as Israel rejected God. Where were their tears? Where was their repentance?
Look at the church in Europe. America, Can we return to God?
We have lost our way and where are our tears? Here is a short excerpt from a monograph our staff wrote a few short months ago that adds weight to our concern.
The American Decency Association Reports on Islam’s Subtle Incursion into West Michigan.
This is a battle of both theologies and ideologies; a battle between the violent commands of Allah against the infidel and the rational thought in Western civilization which says, “live and let live.” If the murderous commands of Allah prevail, Islamic law will impose its politics and theology of death or enslavement on the “unbeliever” – anyone who is not a follower of Allah.
It has been estimated that 80-85% of Islamic law, particularly what is known as Shariah which includes the mandatory wearing of the hijab, female genital mutilation, honor killing, etc. is political rather than religious; therefore it is not protected under our Constitution’s First Amendment. Shariah adherents view America as the “Great Satan.” They mean to destroy us, and they are not amateurs. Yet, they cannot prevail without first annihilating the rights protected by the U.S. Constitution and its underlying principles. Sadly, the reality is that the vast majority are seemingly oblivious to the fact that Shariah-compliant Muslims are working insidiously to destroy the freedoms that we take for granted and destroy those who refuse to submit to Islamic law. If Christianity does not fall, then Shariah is thwarted/stopped; however, Western civilization ignorantly and apathetically continues to move on with its inherent “live and let live” modus operandi.
Shariah-adherent Muslims believe they are getting closer to their goal: the Subjugation of the West. Their strategy began as it has begun elsewhere – undermining a nation from within using what they call civilization jihad. The Muslim Brotherhood, Islam’s oldest political organization, which promotes Shariah law around the globe and aspires to establish a global Islamic government, understands that their business is to destroy Western civilization from within, “sabotaging its miserable house by their own dirty hands.”
We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the reality that our battle with Islam is ideological. Yet, we find in our daily discussions a vacuous look from friends, loved ones, and acquaintances when we try to discuss with them the encroaching danger that is even now moving toward us within our local communities. …
As stated above, we cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the reality that our battle with Islam is ideological. However, we similarly must not overlook the fact that this is, at its base, spiritual warfare.
Looking to Europe, we see an ever increasing number of churches which have become either unoccupied or used for something other than the ecclesiastical purposes for which they were built.
That these churches still exist reveals that Christianity once was vital, giving life purpose, standards of love, truth, grace, and mercy. That many European churches are poorly attended, empty, destroyed, or even replaced by mosques speaks to what happens when a people turn their back upon God and their faith.
…. Secular humanism choked out the deep Christian roots in Europe, leaving a rich soil for violent, Shariah-compliant Islam to spread. …
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that we are heading down a similar path.
As many objective viewers are able to discern, President Trump is expending great energy attempting to head off the impending disaster of Shariah: immigration reform, attempting to build a wall, committing to naming the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, terminating the Iran deal that President Obama so wickedly (foolishly, but much worse – wickedly) unleashed upon America in the last days of his administration.
Each plan, each effort that President Trump unleashes or attempts to unleash is met with fierce, systematic, measured opposition from a plurality of enemies.
My thoughts turn to a scene at a church that I visited in recent days with Kamal Saleem who was behind the podium addressing a large Sunday School class while I stood at the back. Stay with me as this will make sense.
There, standing on wobbly legs near me were two lovely, well-cared-for little children. A doting mother and her husband were within arms length of their little boy and his hugable baby sister. Mommy and Daddy watching every move with protective eyes.
Here were two youthful parents who weren’t half-hearted in their newfound responsibilities as parents. Their love was obvious. Their commitment will be tested.
As you can see I have abruptly discontinued writing about Islam and its advancing threat upon America – switching direction to young kids and their parents. Here’s what I am getting at.
I have heard the question repeatedly, “What can we do?” I offer an answer.
The answer begins right there in our homes with our children and grandchildren.
Most of us can’t engage the enemies described in most of the articles in this newsletter.
But, we can rise up. Or can we? The enemy smells blood. He sees us loving our cell phones, self-centered – not sacrificing for others. Rise up? Why, when we have it so good? And, we do have it so good! Worship God? Love God with all our heart, soul and mind?
A song commonly sung at the Promise Keepers events in the ‘90s, which drew tens of thousands of men to event after event year after year, was a clarion call then and remains so now:
Rise up, O men of God! Have done with lesser things; Give heart and soul and mind and strength to Serve the King of kings.
Rise up, O men of God! His kingdom tarries long. Bring in the day of brotherhood, and end the night of wrong.
Rise up, O men of God! The church for you doth wait. Her strength unequal to her task: Rise up and make her great!
Lift high the cross of Christ! Tread where his feet have trod. As brothers of the Son of Man, Rise up, O Men of God!
Look around you. Look within you. Seek God.
By the grace of God, through my marriage, I witnessed a thorough Christian father who was a humble farmer, father of seven, who was churched and more importantly had a heart after God, his family and wife, and others.
At his funeral, numbers of people said things like, “He was the best Christian I ever knew.”
His name, my wife, Jan’s father, was Dave VanSloten.
I watched Dave and his wife Geneva. They were devout Christians. They not only had a deep grasp of the Word of God, their lives reflected Christ. They were genuine, and they served others.
Dave was born in 1916. He died in 2001.
Dave and Geneva were not “activists” as the word is used today, but they were doers of the word of God.
He had a small farm (even in that day) of 40 jersey cows. By conviction Dave and Geneva put their seven children through Christian school. It was a financial stretch for a small farmer. They lived their faith.
“What can we do?”
Over the last year Jan and I have been parenting two of our grandchildren.
What a wake-up call this has been. It has been a daily reminder of what it takes and what is at stake.
It takes a lot and there is a lot at stake. But, is it worth it?
“Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done …”
Our greater purpose for our nation, for our family and churches should be to bring Glory and Honor to God and to enjoy Him forever. Making America great again would follow through His blessing!
What can we do? I suspect that it should begin with acknowledging our sin!
Our enemy has spotted our weaknesses and his eyes don’t lie. He sees hypocrites, a lifeless church, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. Men and women seeking what first? You fill in the blank.
Except the Lord build the house, we labor in vain.
God help us! Lord: Pour out your spirit amongst us. Forgive us our sins. Heal us.
Rise up, O men of God! The church for you doth wait, Her strength unequal to her task:
Rise up and make her great!
Lift high the cross of Christ! Tread where his feet have trod. As brothers of the Son of Man, Rise up, O Men of God!
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