The Side of President Trump We Rarely Hear Of

By: American Decency Staff


The following is a short transcript taken out of the first fifteen minutes of Sandy Rios in the Morning—Thursday, September 26, 2019. We present this to our readers so that they can see a description of President Trump that is ignored by the media and is largely unknown.

We encourage you to listen to the whole of this fifteen minute segment where Sandy is interviewing Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz. Here you will hear about Presidential hopeful Joe Biden, more about President Trump, and about immigration.

The transcript is as follows:

Sandy Rios:  How has Pelosi’s announcement affected the mood in Congress?

Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL):  …Nancy Pelosi has done something very destructive to the House of Representatives and to our country. There may be a time when we really do have to engage in the solemn practice of impeachment of some president for some high crime or some misdemeanor. And when that happens the House of Representatives has to have a certain dignity, a certain trust with the American people. My fear is that by engaging in “impeachment by reflex,” we’ve undermined the institution, we’ve undermined the Presidency, and really we’ve undermined America on the global stage.

When I spoke with the President yesterday, he wasn’t most concerned about his own political prospects or how it even looked in the media; he was concerned about the American farmers, the American manufacturers, the American soldiers, sailors, marines who rely on our president to be able to go and make the world a more prosperous place for our country, and a safer place globally. And when the President is at the UN General Assembly working to advance the interests of our country, for them to pull this cheap political stunt, without even the benefit of reviewing the evidence, it speaks to a lack of patriotism, not just a devotion to radical politics. I was just so sad today that we had gone through all this yesterday and that we had done so much damage to our country.

Sandy Rios:  Yeah, I agree with you and I mentioned this yesterday but will repeat; the President gave a stunning speech at the UN that nobody heard. I mean he took on China, he took on Venezuela, he talked about the need for nations to love their own country and take care of their own people. It was a wonderful, wonderful speech. And meanwhile, as you said, Nancy Pelosi standing before the microphone, talking about a phone conversation. He had a legal, lawful conversation; he had with the Ukrainian president. Now we see the transcript.

Listen to the rest of their conversation here.

Watch President Trump’s speech to the UN General Assembly here.

Watch the President’s press conference following his time at the UN here.

We encourage you to pray for President Trump. The attacks on this man are tireless but he is only a man; he tires. It shows in his voice and in his demeanor. Who wouldn’t get worn standing day after day, dealing with truths and with falsehoods, attempting to put Americans first and upholding the best interests of our country while encouraging others to do the same, doing his best to navigate between the Deep State swamp and the solid land of liberty.

Pray for this man’s safety, health, for wisdom, and that God would rule and overrule in the affairs of America.

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