Something’s in the air…

By: American Decency Staff


Yes, something is in the air and it’s more than just spring. As long awaited buds and flowers have begun to spring to life from seemingly dead sources, the long winter of death seems to be giving way to an excited and fomenting cry for life.

The old saying goes, “it’s always darkest before the dawn;” that seems to be the case. As various states like New York, Virginia, Connecticut, and several others further push the envelope regarding infanticide, refusing any medical treatment and leaving babies who survive abortions to suffer and die a torturous death; several states are responding by introducing various legislation that will protect these infants and in some cases protect life by even stronger measures, like Janet Porter’s “heart-beat bill.”

Yesterday (Tues. April 23, 2019), Bill Johnson, Chris Johnson, and I attended a “Rally for Life” in Lansing at the Capitol building hosted by “I am 4 Life” ( It started on the steps of the Capitol Building with instruction, worship songs, prayer, and a few speeches. After which we marched around the block of the Capitol Building, then made our way into the Rotunda for a peaceful protest, sitting/standing in unity for the unborn.

It was a very cold and windy afternoon but the prayers and speakers exuded a warmth that was well-matched by those standing with them in the crowd. Michigan Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield (R-Levering), “I am 4 Life” founder Bill Bolin, Janet Porter, and numerous other pro-life leaders either prayed or gave rousing speeches that were meant to inform, encourage, and spur the listeners on to further action.

At the top of this email is a picture of where we ended up, at the Capitol’s Rotunda, and well describes the purpose of this gathering. I’ll try, but words won’t do it justice; one would have to have been there for the experience of prayers, songs, chants, sounds, and even the atmosphere.

Moving from the cold and windy outdoors to an enclosed environment of warmth was like stepping into a mother’s womb, as it were. Here, we were safe from the elements; and here, we were in the center of our state’s legislative “womb.” Here, in the round center of our Capitol, we were surrounded by numerous flags, pictures of previous governors, and the knowledge that our state’s laws are struggled over and birthed here. Here, we gathered in solidarity to lend our voices to those whose voices cannot yet be heard.

I can easily imagine that our voices, raised in unison, echoed the thoughts of these pre-born children; and I trust that those legislators who were in the building heard the cries of an unborn child to his/her mother and that they won’t turn a deaf ear. What did they hear emanating from this “womb”? If they were listening they would hear the following: “Jesus loves the unborn children, all the unborn of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight; Jesus loves the unborn children of the world.” Chants like, “I am for life.” There were prayers that any unborn might pray, prayers that God would have mercy and move the heart of Governor Whitmer and AG Dana Nessel as easily as He moves the waters (Prov. 21:1). Through much of this time there was a pounding upon the rails surrounding the Rotunda that might well have mimicked a heartbeat thundering throughout the body of this house. Yes, this was an experience that took in all the senses that life has to offer the unborn and I pray that it reached the hearts of those legislators who were in the building.

On the flier we put out for this event we stated: “This is not just any protest.This has an urgency and timeliness about it that begs for people of faith, who love life, to let those who say they represent us (our government) know that we oppose any similar legislation (Euthanasia and Infanticide) that may come before them, and send a message of solidarity to the pro-life movement in other states.” Having been there to see it with my own two eyes I can say this, “The above statement was no exaggeration.”

We urge you to pray that God will move upon each and every state in our union and that we will once again embrace life as sacred; because all men, women, and children (both born and pre-born) are created in the image of God. Pray fervently, contact your representatives frequently, and speak with others in a friendly manner regarding this very important issue.

As you can see, this is not so much an action oriented alert as one meant to let you know that there is a new unison and hope enlivened by the Spirit; and God’s people are recognizing that there is a call going out to pray. Be alert and seek the call to action that is unfolding.

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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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