Here are a few stories about socialism/communism affecting our nation today. Let me open with a quote from Todd Starnes. “We are facing a very dangerous issue in this country- the rise of socialism. Socialism can not take root in this country if you have the First and Second Amendments. When you take those two out of the equation, socialism doesn’t just come creeping in, it comes roaring in.” We must do all in our power to protect and use our God-given rights which are protected by the First and Second Amendments.
Warren’s Warpath to Socialism
By now, many of our readers have heard about Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass) newest socialist ploy of “Medicare for All.” People need to remember that the government doesn’t have anything to give, so someone else will have to pay for it. As I always taught my children, “Nothing is free!”
Sen. Warren and her band of “merry socialists” may think they can steal from the rich and give to the poor; but there are a few problems with that. First, her plan would cost an estimated $52 trillion; and, according to Forbes, billionaires in the U.S. have a combined net worth of $2.399 trillion. So even if she taxed these people into the poor house, it would only cover 4.6% of the funds necessary for this plan. Secondly, she may claim that only the billionaires will pay increased taxes, but that often results in those who make less money paying for it in other (and often more expensive) ways. What ways? Some possibilities include, but aren’t limited to: decreased services, increase cost to the consumers, employee hours cut or hiring less people to do the job. Thirdly, there are multiple new taxes within the plan that will tax those who don’t belong to the “billionaire club.” Fourth, anyone who loves liberty, and values personal liberty, will have greater concerns than just the financial aspect of government controlled healthcare. The real objection should be in handing control of our bodily care over to the Federal Government.
Socialized medicine doesn’t work well for very many; and America has been warned over the years to avoid it.
Communist China President Xi’s List of Heroes and Villains
One can learn a lot about someone by knowing who they admire and who they loathe. If there were any doubts about China’s nefarious plans for global domination and the worldwide terror that they might inflict on those who won’t bend their knee to the state and its “god-like” leaders, read this following list shared by Kevin Freeman’s Economic War Room with Bill Gertz (episode 60).
Heroes: Mao Zedong (the communist founder who is widely regarded as the world’s most notorious mass murderer—blamed for upwards of 60 million Chinese deaths); Adolf Hitler (Xi believes that Hitler almost took over the entire world); Joseph Stalin (he took over the Russian military with disastrous consequences when it came to WWII).
Villains: Deng Xiaoping (he was a reform communist—disliked for his market economy reforms); Ronald Reagan (he was responsible for taking down the Soviet Union)
With the many human rights atrocities that China is perpetuating upon its own people, the heroes and villains on this list should come as no surprise. What is surprising though is the fact that in government, in academia, in social and business circles, these people still believe that China can be our friend if we will only work with them. Look at the above list again and ask yourself this question from Amos 3:3. “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” This is also a good question to remember as we come into an election year.
Listen to Gordon Chang inform us about China being an existential threat to America here in an 11 minute interview with Frank Gaffney.
National Day for the Victims of Communism
The following are excerpts from an article in The Epoch Times newspaper (11-8-19)
“President Donald Trump met with several victims of the communist regimes of Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea on Nov. 7, the National Day for the Victims of Communism. …
“Trump is the first president to recognize National Day for the Victims of Communism.
“‘Today, we remember those who have died and all who continue to suffer under communism,’ the White House release stated.
“‘In their memory and in honor of the indomitable spirit of those who have fought courageously to spread freedom and opportunity around the world, our Nation reaffirms its steadfast resolve to shine the light of liberty for all who yearn for a brighter, freer future.’…
“Today, one in five people in the world still live under a communist dictatorship, a large number of them under the regime in China, which last month surpassed the Soviet Union as the longest surviving communist regime.
“These movements, under the false pretense of liberation, systematically robbed innocent people of their God-given rights of free worship, freedom of association, and countless other rights we hold sacrosanct.”
Three stories on socialism/communism pointing to their national and global effects, I urge you to keep your ears and eyes open. More importantly, keep your mind open; be thinking about how these things will affect us and those who come after us. We must speak truth into the situations that surround us and into the people that God has put into our sphere of influence. Most importantly, recognize that our hope is not in any political system or person; our hope is in the Lord. Keep our leaders and nation in prayer; educate and stir others; in all things, glorify God with a walk of holiness and point people to the Savior, Jesus Christ.
This ministry has always been about fighting the darkness with Truth. Our purpose is to educate and stir others to holiness; salt and light preserves, purifies, and expels darkness. It takes finances to do this work, to continue exposing darkness and encouraging others on in holiness (wholeness). We are in need of those who appreciate our work to come alongside us in financial and prayer support. Please, prayerfully consider how strong a gift God would have you give in these increasingly evil days.
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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