By: American Decency Staff


The Left sinks lower and lower in their attacks on the Right and the Church. The names and accusations are increasingly getting worse—from deplorables to dregs to the American Taliban to child abusers. They are becoming more commonplace and are being spoken by politicians, courts, and educators, which makes these “descriptors” more easily believed and pushes the narrative of the Left to a normalized acceptability. Not only is the name-calling on the increase, but threats abound as well. These threats, and in some cases their realization, run the range of having our businesses and jobs taken away, having our children taken away, and our freedom being wrested from our hands. These actuated threats are in response to our standing upon the Word of God, teaching its truths to our children, and having care and compassion for those who are lost. The question is, as this world continues to “spin out of control,” do you know how to respond and are you prepared to face the consequences?

As in any cultural war, truth is the first victim. Since the Church is meant to be the guardian of the truth, so the attack against the Church continues to rage on. Our culture is drastically changing; we are so far removed from where we were as a nation twenty years ago—ten years ago—even five years ago. Keeping astride the ever-quickening pace of cultural change comes the thundering and tyrannical steps of suppression of religious liberty. Are you ready?

Is your church, ministry, or organization ready for the shifts taking place in our State and Nation?  How are you planning to respond to the following?

•        LGBTQ and SOGI Laws

•        Heart Beat & Michigan law

•        "Hate Speech" and University speech restrictions

•        Educational issues & Youth culture

•        Church ministry structure

•        Community impact

Be prepared; get equipped and ready yourself for the road ahead. Join Salt and Light Global’s The Church In The Culture conference by registering here.

Where:  Rochester Assembly of God located at 4435 N. Rochester Road, Rochester, MI 48305

When: Saturday, June 8.  Doors open at 9 AM and the conference runs from 10 AM to 5 PM

Why:  The aim of this conference is three-fold: 1) Inform pastors and Christian leaders about what is happening.  2) How will this affect you and your ministry?  3) What are the options?

Who:  Pastor Rafael Cruz –Ministry under Socialism;Pastor Ellis Smith – Biblical Worldview & The Kingdom;Prof. William Wagner & David Kallman – Current Legal Issues; Pastor Austin T. Kreutz – Ministry Options for Churches

This conference equips your church or ministry to handle serious threats to its free exercise of religious conscience. The Constitution protects your religious liberty and your freedom of expression – learn how, and what you must do next. Pastors and their staff, ministry leaders, and para-church ministries such as, pregnancy centers, and Christian school administrators, etc. are urged to attend along with the general public.

If knowledge is power and if preparation is half the battle, then you want to be here! Don’t miss this opportunity to hear sharp minds discuss today’s important religious liberty issues. Save the date (June 8) and register NOW!

Support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.


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