Recent Happenings and a request/urging to ENGAGE

By: American Decency Staff



As we close out another week, we note (as do you)  that the concerning news of these weeks hit and hit hard and IS concerning;  only to be followed with new news which also carries amplified implications.  Yet, we are not to be discouraged but to seek to find our strength, endurance, peace and love in Christ.  That, I believe, is also one of the highest challenges that we need to take to heart.  That means humbling ourselves, seeking first the Kingdom of God and getting under the preaching of God’s word, in a Bible teaching, preaching church.  God blesses a nation whose God IS the Lord.  Is He your Lord?  I pray so.

Nehemiah has a lot to say about rebuilding (including questions that we need to consider): “Nehemiah prayed and worked. Prayer should not be a substitute for exercising our responsibility. It is true that builders build in vain without the Lord’s blessing (Ps. 127:1); however, having His blessing does not mean we do not have to build. God’s servants must mix intense labor with devotion to prayer as they seek the kingdom of God. How might someone use prayer as an excuse not to work? How might he use work as an excuse not to pray? How do we exercise both prayer and work together? [Taken from Reformation Heritage Study Bible]

That being said:  I want to share with you a few of our concerns regarding recent news stories.

Sanctuary city/county/state issues. When Leftists occupy local and national seats in our government, it becomes increasingly difficult for those who are law abiding (constitutionalists) to stand. The attacks are great upon them from fellow politicians and a society bent on socialism.

Of course pray for our president, President Trump; but also for local and state politicians who are fighting the good fight. Find out who they are and pray for them!

Speaking of sanctuary cities, our Jim Simpson event was deeply appreciated!  It is now available online.  If you desire a DVD, email

China, where do we start?  Whether we talk about Hong Kong; how China forces compliance with their political views on American businesses (even the sports industry); tariffs; facial recognition; and the list goes on; each of these areas need prayer—pray that God will rule and overrule in these many Chinese affairs and the people who are affected by them.

Let me close in commenting upon our upcoming elections. In relation to the sanctuary issue and immigration, let me say this: Demographics is destiny! Between non-citizens getting the right to vote in some cities and the voices on the Right getting squelched, our constitution is vulnerable and therefore our freedoms are incredibly fragile.  Many remain oblivious.

Some of you follow us faithfully. Some very faithfully through emails, and/or our monthly newsletter.  If you have never supported us – American Decency Association – now would be a great time.  We have recently put out the word for our need, but haven’t seen as strong a response as we have so many times over our years of ministry service in Christ’s Name.  Your stand with us is needed and would help greatly right now.

Please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412

One last thing.  Many give high praise to our monthly newsletters. You’ll find our October Frontline here.  Please let us know what you think!  Thanks!

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. 


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