Rafael Cruz WAS in Fremont, Michigan

By: American Decency Staff


Last Friday, June 7, Rafael Cruz spoke to an almost standing room only crowd at the American Decency Association. Those who came were eager and hungry to hear this well-respected father of Senator Ted Cruz. His message struck a chord and the audience left well-fed and at least some were ready for action.

What was America founded for? What brought the Pilgrims to these native shores? The succinct answer is: For the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith. As Rafael unfolded the unique history that belongs to these United States of America, the themes of God’s glory and the shameful silence of the church were driven home. The conclusion of his message, before the Q & A time, contained three practical things that the Body of Christ (the Church) should be doing. Call Kimberly at 231-924-4050 or email her at kimberly@americandecency.orgto purchase this solid and timely DVD message for $10.

Pastor Cruz understands the dangers of socialism/communism better than most because he grew up in a country where this oppressive philosophy and disastrous economy was practiced. Having experienced both sides of liberty, he was able to give warning and practical advice from an informed vantage point.

He is well versed in America’s beautiful and godly history, sharing stories, facts, and quotes that most Americans should know, but sadly are ignorant of. He told how America’s first experiment with socialism not only failed but almost wiped out the pilgrim’s settlement. He shared how the War for Independence started in the church, specifically with the pastors preaching about right and wrong, liberty, and justice. It’s been said that the grievances found within the Declaration of Independence could be described as a series of sermon summaries preached by colonial pastors who would put feet to their sermons and prayers. These men in black robes (the clergy) didn’t just espouse fine words and beautiful concepts, they were willing to fight for them, go to war for them, and even die for them—as many did.

Where are the pastors today? Where is the preaching against sin and the preaching for holiness? Where is the Church today; are they standing or are they staying confined to the four walls of some building? Today, more than ever before, the Church must have a desire to be Biblically correct rather than politically correct. How long will the Church remain silent?

Where was the Church when evolution was being brought into the school system, while prayer and the Bible were being removed?

Where was the Church when a different set of black-robed men would tell Americans that it was okay to murder their young and that traditional marriage was no longer the only norm?

Don’t miss out on this history lesson with its contemporary implications!Call Kimberly at 231-924-4050 or email her at kimberly@americandecency.orgto purchase this truth-telling DVD message for $10.

Pastor Cruz warned that if we don’t teach our children—and the young people in our sphere of influence—the truth; if we don’t give them direction, they will get direction from many other places of propaganda. Some of these direction-givers were listed as the media, school educators, television, politicians, and the list goes on.

This lover of liberty told us three things we must do:

1) Teach everyone that voting is our civic responsibility, 2) Our churches need to be preaching about the sanctity of life, sanctity of traditional marriage, sexual purity before marriage, individual responsibility, etc. 3) Encourage pastors and people of faith to run for public office.

Following this stirring message was a Q & A time in which Pastor Cruz gave his personal testimony as well as answering several interesting questions.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own your own DVD copy of Rafael Cruz’s warning against socialism/communism. Get two and share with a friend. Sit down and watch this again with a young person who needs the influence of a godly man. Call Kimberly at 231-924-4050 or email her at kimberly@americandecency.orgto purchase this DVD message for $10.

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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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