Would you give an arsonist a can of gasoline and a book of matches, particularly while he’s standing outside your house? Would you give a known burglar a key to your home and a schedule of your upcoming activities? Would you finance a country which is known for committing human atrocities, persecuting the Christian church, limiting liberty, and has a plan (which it has been and is implementing) against your own country? Certainly not! BUT…maybe you are. Read on and educate yourself.
NBC news reports, “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned China’s treatment of Uighurs. ‘When the state rules absolutely, it demands its citizens worship government, not God. That's why China has put more than 1 million Uighur Muslims … in internment camps,’ he said during a Vatican conference on religious freedom. ‘When the state rules absolutely, God becomes an absolute threat to authority.’" And the Daily Wire says, “These camps are beginning to echo the atrocities of Mao Zedong’s treacherous Great Leap Forward from 1958 to 1962.”
Read some of the many atrocities being committed against humankind by the Chinese government:
– Many women being forced to have abortions.
– Others forced to yield to intrauterine contraceptive measures.
– Subjugation and rape at the hands of Chinese officials.
– Harvesting organs (kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, cornea and skin) to be turned into commodities for sale from its subjugated minorities, including Christians and Tibetans—often while the victims are still alive.
And the Epoch Times reports that survivors of these camps “have given accounts of torture and political indoctrination.” While “outside these camps, authorities have turned the region into a police state with Xinjiang’s population being subject to constant surveillance.”
As if all these things weren’t bad enough, American companies—like the NBA—are willfully complicit by bowing to this oppressive communist regime.
The Epoch Times also gives this alarming news: “A rising number of Chinese companies in U.S. capital markets pose a risk for U.S. investors as they unwittingly finance companies associated with concentration camps in China, an expert warns.
“Through public pension and retirement funds, investors are transferring wealth from the United States to Chinese entities that do not comply with U.S. laws, a problem that has been overlooked for more than a decade.
“’We’re talking about hundreds of billions of dollars and moving rapidly toward $1 trillion”’ said Roger Robinson, a former member of President Ronald Reagan’s National Security Council and president and CEO of RWR Advisory Group, which tracks Chinese investments worldwide.”
There are over 650 Chinese companies traded in the US stock markets and unless one digs deeply into their portfolio, one would never know that they were financially supporting these inhumane atrocities.
Frank Gaffney, Roger Robinson, Kevin Freeman, and other trusted truth tellers have been giving the warning; America, her brokers and investors, our government, and others need to realize that we are not only funding these horrible crimes, but funding our own demise as well, as we strengthen their own hand against us.
One conundrum before, I close.
In recent days, President Trump has been proudly trumpeting his high view on the recent trade deal meeting he had with China. He spoke of the trade deal that was going to make the American farmer so happy as it was the greatest deal ever made for the farmer.
Yet, the Chinese have given sudden PAUSE.
The Chinese regime released its latest trade data on Oct. 14, showing that imports and exports both fell in September, amid indications that China’s economy is facing weak domestic demand and a tough export environment, economists say.
On the same day, government officials refused to talk about a “phase one” U.S.–China trade deal announced at the White House on Oct. 11, in which U.S. President Donald Trump said China had agreed to import more American agricultural products. ….
Lou Dobbs on Fox News, October 14 interviewing China expert Gordon G. Chang shed significant light upon the so-called deal. It sounds more like we’ve been had by the Chinese once again.
CHANG:What happened here is the Chinese got front-loaded benefits. They got the deferral of the increase in the tariffs that were scheduled for tomorrow. Also, they got a lot of orders from the American big box retailers because when the word went out that there was going to be a deal like on Thursday, Wednesday
(DOBBS interjecting: a little early –somebody was leaking something, weren’t they).
CHANG: They certainly were. And what these retailers did was placed orders for next season in China. These orders would have gone to other places if there were going to be problems at that Friday meeting but they knew what was going on so they got those orders and this undercuts the President’s ability to disengage the American and Chinese economies because factories that would otherwise leave China will say “Oh, I will stay because there is going to be a deal.”
DOBBS: So the deal – as you understand it. The President used the word deal. The Vice-Premier in a very brief minute and a half remarks in the Oval Office saying that it was a pause not a deal. And now it looks like the Vice Premier had it right. It is at best a pause.)
(Gordon G. Change is a weekly contributor for Frank Gaffney at the Center for Security Policy. His counsel is viewed by many as the best on the subject of China.)
Further in a tweet on October 15, Gordon Chang stated: Why are we giving a reprieve to China on trade? We need to put the interest of all Americans ahead of those of multinationals, chambers of commerce, and Wall Street. This is a dangerous time. Beijing is attacking our society. … China wants more talks? Of course it does. While we talk, the Chinese steal more and more of our intellectual property and continue to violate their trade obligations to us. Time to stop talking and raise tariffs to the sky. Make China hurt. Disengage.
Frank Gaffney’s Committee on the Present Danger: China has been keeping Americans abreast of the many faceted dangers that this communist regime presents. On October 7, 2019, this group focused on this topic: “Absence of National Security Review Underscores Dangers of Military, Others’ Compulsory Investment in Chinese Companies”. To see a short video clip of this danger and an interview with Frank Gaffney speaking into this problem click here.
We urge you to sign a petition put out by the Committee on the Present Danger: China, asking President Trump to prevent the Thrift Savings Plan from being used to finance our enemies. You can do so by clicking here.
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