Abortion murdered 42 million people worldwide in 2018. America had her share of abortions; but we also influenced and fueled its heinous and barbaric practice globally. We dare to savagely call it a human right and “women’s healthcare” while there are those who would push the time constraints of this ungodliness to any time prior to birth. There are even others who advocate for “after-birth abortion,” allowing for the infant to be murdered up to, as yet, an undetermined amount of time after being born.
42 million is more than just a number.Each one of these REPORTED 42 million is a living soul that was violently murdered in what is supposed to be the safest place on earth—a mother’s womb! Each one not only had the potential to glorify God but was created for that exact purpose. Each one was knit together by God’s hand to sing His praise, to show gratitude for the life they had been given, and for the graces He would have shown to them.
As a nation, when we cut short those voices of blessing to God, we cut short our own national blessing from Him. Often it is seen (though mostly not recognized) in the natural consequences—economically, socially, and other ways. As we deny the truth and rebel against God, it’s shown in our spirits and the culture as well. When a nation that embraces death and calls evil good, the moral and spiritual climate of that nation drops, loses its sensibilities and becomes reprobate. When the church—the Body of Christ—stops standing boldly for Truth, holiness, light, and life, she also falls into a lukewarm stupor, becoming wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked—not even recognizing her own condition. Rather than a sweet-smelling and savory taste to God, we become distasteful and due to our tepidness are spewed out of His mouth with great force.
All of these things don’t stem solely from abortion; that’s just a symptom of our wicked hearts. But this staggering figure of 42 million innocent souls should break our hearts and burden us until we’re driven to our knees praying that God will grant to us, to the church, and to our nation, the blessings of conviction and repentance. THAT HE MIGHT BE GLORIFIED!!!
I urge you to take this personally. 42 million lives may have been snuffed out and 42 million voices may have been silenced; but you and I have lives and voices to glorify God, to sing His praises, and to show gratitude for the life and graces He has given to us. Let the Light of God shine brighter through us, driving back the darkness a little further than we have. Let our love for life shine brighter, speaking truth into a culture of deception and outright lies.
I encourage you to come to the March for Life—Fremont this Saturday, January 19, 2019.The walk starts at noon; meet at the American Decency building (ADA) located at 203 E. Main St. in Fremont. The walk will circle down-town Fremont, and then return to the ADA for refreshments. For more information regarding donating food or making signs, please contact the sponsors of this event, Right to Life of Newaygo County (RTL-N). You can do so by phone at (231) 924-0259 or email at mkdeedk@gmail.com.
Whether you can attend this event to show your support for the unborn or not, I urge you to shine the light brighter wherever you are and in whatever you do—that Jesus might be glorified and people that people will see our heavenly Father in you.
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