Keeping Up With the LGBT

By: American Decency Staff

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” These two sentences bookend the Christian’s instruction, hope, truth, and authority. The first is readily identified as Genesis 1:1; the second is the last verse of the Bible, Revelation 22:21. When we live according to the instructions and warnings found within the bounds of these verses, we experience clarity and wholeness; outside those bounds belongs varying degrees of “confusion of face,” brokenness, and eventually destruction.

In other words, we start with the Creator of all and the instruction manual He’s been so gracious to give us. As we look away from Him we find ourselves being drawn into confusion. Looking upon the holiness of God we see a direct contrast between the light of His holiness and the darkness of all that is without Him; but, as our eyes turn to self and things other than God, black and white becomes the confusion of gray—various shades of gray to be sure—but gray nonetheless. Those who continue in confusion without repentance find themselves at the end of Romans chapter one: “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

Sin, left unrepented of, destroys the person. National/cultural sin, left unchecked, brings confusion; and such confusion cripples the culture it demands the promotion of, bringing the nation which tolerates it, and would legislate it, to ruin.Perhaps there isn’t any better example of this than the LGBT culture, particularly the “T” of this grouping—transgender.

Confusion of language:  The most obvious confusion comes from redefining words, the creation of “new genders,” and the incorrect use of pronouns. Not only is there the confusion which comes from people identifying with a pronoun which differs from their biological DNA, but there is the confusion of pronoun number too—using “they” or “them” when referring to a singular person. Dr. Al Mohler clearly showed this confusion, using a 9-1-1 call for an example. (The Briefing 6/11/19

Confusion of law:  Whether talking about bathroom laws, legislation regarding “transgenders” and school, and the lists go on, with the ever-increasing “gender-options” how can we help but have confusion of face? Take for example this recent tabled legislation from Massachusetts. Quoting from The Briefing: “…the liberal Massachusetts state legislature shelved a bill to add an X as an alternative to F and M because there were now demands that there be no less than 29 additional gender options. Of course, one of the reasons why the legislation was shelved is because it won't stay 29. It's going to be 89 before you can turn around.

Confusion of leisure:  Athletics isn’t exempt from this gender confusion either. Biological males continue to beat out their biological female competitors, stealing from them various medals, awards, prestige, scholarships, self-esteem, and so on. This should leave everyone scratching their collective heads in confusion. How can any of this be acceptable?

Confusion of Leftist ideology:  Even as the Left embraces this self-defeating culture, confusion abounds as they attempt to hold positions which logically are antithetical. Feminism is one such example; as the Left promotes the LGBT culture, it takes a stab at feminism, which it also promotes. As Dr. Mohler states, “If indeed being a female is a state of mind, then you can't really have feminism.

Confusion of littles:  Even as the theory of evolution has affected the minds of generations through school, media, Hollywood, etc, so the attack on our culture, religion, society, and nation continues by attempting to normalize the LGBT agenda and the pedophilia which comes through direct and indirect results of that lifestyle. Grabbing hold of their formative minds, the attempt is being made to press these children into a mold of acceptance and normalcy. Unsuspecting parents sacrifice these little ones, laying them upon the altars of educational indoctrination and entertainment. With altered minds they question the reality of who God says He is, what is acceptable and unacceptable, and the difference between the holy and the profane.

Disney, Netflix, and others hope to be culturally relevant, as they attempt to transform young minds by producing television shows and children’s movies that would widen the base of acceptance for these Left leaning ideologies. We pray for those children and this culture that are the prey of such unholy beasts in sheep’s clothing.

No society can remain in a continual state of confusion; eventually, it must right itself or fall apart. Truth is the only weapon when confronting lies—definitive presentation of the truth and a consistent holding to it. Mocking or laughing at lies does little to repair that or those which are overtaken by the untruth. That may be an easier or first response but it doesn’t address or repair the issues. Let us choose truth and love to combat the evils of this world.

Let me close with two quotes; the first showing where our society stands and the second which points to the Christian solution.

Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, proudly, violated all of the commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: tolerance for their immorality.”—D. James Kennedy

Tolerance is an inferior virtue. Christian love is a superior virtue. Tolerance says, ‘I could care less. Do what you want.’ Love says, ‘I care deeply. Now stop!’”—Dr. Everett Piper

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