Kamal Saleem was in Fremont with a NEW MESSAGE

By: American Decency Staff


Kamal was at the American Decency Headquarters on May 3 and 4 with new messaging for these coming days. He may be coming to an area near you; check out his schedule at the end of this email.

In America’s history the Civil War era was a time of great loss and a time of exceptional Christian spiritual awakening amongst the camps of both the North and the South. It was a time for men born free and those who were once slaves to join together and fight for right and to set men free. In some ways, this is the kernel of what God has recently been laying on Kamal’s heart. It’s a call for the church to awake, arise, and share the gospel with those who are deceived and enslaved by Allah.

Kamal took his audience through the Scriptures, laying the foundations of God’s timeline, who the sons of Ishmael are, the fact that they weren’t created to be Muslims, and that the Church has a responsibility to shed the light of the gospel, winning Muslims to Jesus. In Kamal’s own words, “God is running a special on Muslims.”

Ishmael, the first born of Abraham (but not the son of promise) is meant to be the forerunner of Israel. His name means “God hears;” when Ishmael cries out, God hears him. What was supposed to be a striving with brothers has turned into a civil war and the sons of Ishmael have become slaves to Satan who hides behind the mask of the false god named Allah.

Kamal points to the Church and calls them to arise, speak, and love Muslims. God is calling the Church to recognize that Muslims (sons of Ishmael) are deceivers because their god, Allah, calls himself the greatest deceiver; but Muslims are not only deceivers, they themselves are deceived and are the slaves of Allah. The Church is called to show them the love of Jesus; let us love them to life.

In his presentation he systematically went through Scripture showing the bloodline of Ishmael and how the spirit of terrorism actually comes through the bloodline of Esau, not Ishmael.

It’s time for the Church to do its part to free the Ishmaelite slaves; they can only be freed by the truth. When they see the light of Love and are set free, they will be transformed into Israel’s greatest defenders. Kamal shows how the sons of Ishmael will bring Israel to salvation in Jesus Christ. The Muslim will only find life through the truth that God desires reconciliation, family, freedom, and love; and it will only be found through Jesus—the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It’s the Church’s responsibility to bring this message of love and life, freedom and faith to Muslims.

Church, let us Awake, Arise, Go out and Love them to Life!

Our past messaging and this current message are not at odds with each other. As Brother Bill and others continue to point out, shedding light on the dangers, we can’t just leave our self wide open to that which we know is happening at the borders, at various places in our nation, and around the world. There are many Sharia supremacists who mean to destroy America from within using our own dirty hands against us!

So as Kamal says it doesn't mean that we put aside the important need of discerning, not laying ourselves open to being deceived, but still walking a balance between exposing the treachery of those radicalized as Sharia-adherent Muslims and yet in boldness, and in love, reach out and share Christ’s love.

These conferences, which ADA, is hosting with Kamal as our only featured speaker are rich with challenge and some have said was a game changer for them!

Call American Decency Association at 231-924-4050 to order a DVD copy of these events today; they were uniquely different from one another. Or email Kimberly at kimberly@americandecency.org.   The DVDs are $10.00 a piece or $15.00 for both presentations.

Kamal’s  Speaking Events:

MAY 7 (Tuesday) – SE Michigan Tea Party, Utica, Dave & Busters, 4511 Park Avenue, Utica, MI , 7 PM

May 8 (Wednesday) – Holly Aglow, 315 South Broad Street, Holly, MI, 10 AM, 1-1 1/2 hours, Meeting starts at 9:30 with fellowship and continental breakfast. Then we have announcements and Worship. Speaker starts at about 10:45.

May 8 (Wednesday) – Saginaw Valley Community Church, 3600 Hermansau Rd., Saginaw, 7 PM

May 9 (Thursday) – Calvary Baptist, 10500 Grand Blanc, Gaines, MI,  7:00 PM

May 11 (Saturday) –  Crossfire Church, 4780 Cornfield Drive, Cedar Springs, 9 AM – Noon

May 12 (Sunday) – Crossfire Church, 4780 Cornfield Drive, Cedar Springs, 10 AM

May 14 (Tuesday) – Lighthouse Baptist, 501 E. 24th Street, Holland, MI, 7 PM

May 15 (Wednesday) – God's Family Room, 8813 Beech Daly, Taylor, MI  48180, 7 PM

May 16 (Thursday) – Church of God (Seventh Day) & Spring Vale Christian School, 4150 S M-52 Owosso, MI  48867 – 7 PM

May 17 (Friday) – Plymouth Cultural Center, 525 Farmer Street, Plymouth, MI  48170, 7 PM

May 18 (Saturday) – Muskegon, 1940 N. Sheridan, Muskegon – 7 PM

May 19 (Sunday) – Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church, 13367 W. Highland Road, Hartland, MI, 11 AM

May 19 (Sunday) — Floodgate Renewal  Fellowship, 1623 S. Old US Brighton, 7  PM

May 20 (Monday)  Marshall VFW 4073, 800 E. Michigan Ave., Marshall, MI  – 7 PM

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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