How then shall we respond?

By: American Decency Staff


How then shall we respond? Show up Friday and find out! (Details below)

I am persuaded that Christianity is headed toward a supreme crisis—perhaps a decisive crisis. Events are leading up to a world decision. This generation, or at the most the next, will have to decide between materialistic, atheistic Communism and the Kingdom of God on earth. And this in both the East and West.

For the foundations of society are crumbling before our very eyes. Many of the old securities are gone, or going. As I go about the world I find men with the feeling that the Germans must have had when the Hindenburg line began to crumble. Up to that moment they felt secure, after that–? That is where we are today. The old lines are giving way. Question marks about the future haunt us. Some of the reasons for this decay are obvious. Modern knowledge is breaking down the sense of compartmentalism in life and is giving us the conception of a unified world. But the organization of human life is too small to fit that conception.”

With such a well-worded description of the times in which we live, many of our readers would be surprised to find that this was written in 1935; many more might be surprised to learn that this was written by E. Stanley Jones in the opening paragraphs of his book Christ’s Alternative to Communism.

Rafael Cruz was born four years later (1939), grew up in Communist Cuba, fought Batista’s oppressive regime, was imprisoned and tortured, moved to the United States where he chased the American dream, and now fights against the very underpinnings of Communism which E. Stanley Jones spoke of here in American. The American Decency Association is pleased to host this life-long lover of liberty on Friday, June 7, 2019 at 7 PM. He is the father of Texas Senator Ted Cruz and a respected truth-teller.Come join us in welcoming Pastor Cruz in Fremont at the American Decency Headquarters, located at 203 E. Main St. Register here! (Limited seating available)

Looking at the political landscape, we see both older (Sen. Bernie Sanders D-VT) and younger (Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D-NY) politicians standing on the firm foundation laid by their Communist predecessors. We have stood by and watched this destructive political force lay its groundwork and attack our Constitution for generations; so, we shouldn’t be surprised to watch our political opponents dance across its shiny floor playing the Pied Piper while masses of Americans dance to their tune.

Just because we shouldn’t be surprised doesn’t mean we should throw our hands up in frustration or throw them down in defeat. We must recognize the issues and the appeal of such an obviously flawed system as Communism/Socialism, honestly address the issues and their adherents in truth and love, and dig in for the daily grind of the spiritual and national battles that lie before us. The divide is so great that it cannot simply be dismissed or laughed at; it must be met with Biblical truth and prayer. In all honesty that should have been the plan of action from 1935 to the present.

In Isaiah we read God’s invitation to His lost and hurting people; the same invitation we should be giving to those who are deceived and lost—“Come, let us reason together.” This is the need of our day. Invite the young people in your life and bring those who would disagree with your stance. Invite them to “come, let us reason together;” come hear a man who has experienced first-hand both oppressive communism and the freedom of liberty. Come hear Pastor Rafael Cruz!

It’s THIS Friday, June 7 at 7 PM. Bring others with you, have respectful conversations often, speak with the authority of God’s Word. Join us at the American Decency Headquarters, located at 203 E. Main St. Register here! (Limited seating available)

Want to get an idea of Rafael Cruz believes and presents? Click here to hear Rafael Cruz speak at the Liberty University Convocation in 2013. After listening to the first half of this 30 minute program, I don’t know how you could possibly not register for this Friday’s event! Click here and register NOW!

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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