Most of our readers are probably familiar with the fact that during World War II approximately six million Jews were murdered by Hitler and his Nazi regime. Perhaps fewer are aware that in addition to those six million Jews there were those who were blind, mute, physically or genetically handicapped, or considered mentally inferior that fell victim to Hitler’s heinous crimes against humanity as well. Maybe fewer yet are aware that various experimentations, tortures, and numerous unthinkable atrocities were committed against these members of the human race. Actually, if we include all those that Hitler didn’t like, including Polish people, Catholics, Serbs, and the aforementioned handicapped, it’s believed that the Nazis are responsible for the death of as many as 17 million human beings. Each of these 17 million souls was pushed into eternity because someone else had the power; they had no voice and were powerless to speak for themselves. Their lives were in someone else’s hands; that someone else committed unconscionable acts against them and thereby against the world. The light of God’s image bearers was snuffed out at the whim of an individual.
How could such things go unchecked? Where was the righteous indignation and accompanying action?
Another holocaust
Today we experience a similar holocaust with similar results. The holocaust of abortion is a plague upon the world and specifically upon America. Expecting parents are encouraged to murder their babies because they might be handicapped or are considered undesirable or inconvenient. On an individual’s whim, these blessings from God—these lights—are snuffed out. As in WWII’s holocaust, so also in today’s barbaric, inhumane, “legalized” murder of our young, there is torture, experimentation, and unthinkable atrocities committed upon these human beings who have no voice and are unable to speak for themselves. Over 61 million souls have been lost to this holocaust, in the United States alone, since Roe v. Wade (1973).
Although we could speak to each of the above crimes against the most helpless of our society, let’s focus on the atrocity of torture—dismemberment abortion.
Torture? one may ask. How else would you describe it? The dismemberment abortion procedure was described by Justice Anthony Kennedy as follows. “The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn limb-from-limb. The fetus can be alive at the beginning of the dismemberment process and can survive for a time while its limbs are being torn off.”
This is a civilized country? How can such things go unchecked? Where are the righteous indignation and its accompanying action? According to Right to Life of Michigan News, this torturous procedure “kills five living unborn children each day in Michigan.” That works out to 35 boys/girls a day, 150 children a month, and 1, 825 sons/daughters that are ripped up and disposed of like yesterday’s “Dear John” letter. And that is only in Michigan.
I’m not for doing away with abortion incrementally; I’m an abolitionist when it comes to abortion—God alone has the authority to decide who lives and who dies. Bringing dismemberment abortion to an end is only the difference between murder and torturous murder. Who in their right mind would desire to go through, or watch their child go through the procedure described by Justice Kennedy? Just because it takes place in the womb and one cannot hear the cries of the child doesn’t make it more right or more humane. Abortion must be brought to an end; until that day comes, we need to have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and shout, “NO MORE!” If this same procedure were to be administered as punishment to rapists, pedophiles, or murderers, there would be a wave of protestors crying out against “cruel and unusual punishment.” These unborn children have done nothing worthy of punishment and yet they are torturously murdered with hardly a cry for justice or protection.
Why? Because it’s become normalized and we’ve grown hardened or accustomed to these things. The shock of murdering an unborn baby or even tearing a baby limb-from-limb should NEVER wear off. Six million Jews is not just a number; seventeen million WWII holocaust victims is more than just a fact and figure; 61 million babies murdered in their mother’s womb should bring us to tears and terrify us of God’s coming judgment. 1, 825 innocent children in Michigan being torn limb-from-limb should make us sick and wretch at the immorality and barbarity of it all.
Some will say, “What can I do? It is what it is.” What would we do if the state came to our house and said, “We are here to dismember one of your children.”? I dare say our reaction would be more than a shrug of the shoulders and throwing our hands up in helplessness. We really need to get over the feelings of helplessness that bind us to our apathy. We are to do the right thing because it’s the right thing; not because we will or will not get the results we hope for.
What CAN I do?
We, in Michigan, have an opportunity to do something. IT’S NOT ENOUGH; but it is something. It’s something that each of us can do to help end the torture of the helpless.
We have the ability and the right to bypass our pro-abortion governor with Michigan’s citizen-initiated legislation process. Right to Life of Michigan and other pro-life groups are working to collect more than 400,000 signatures under the name “Michigan Values Life.” If 340,047 of those signatures are valid, legislation will be initiated into the Legislature to ban dismemberment abortions. If it passes the Michigan House and Senate by majority votes, then we will have circumnavigated Governor Whitmer and the legislation becomes law.
First, sign the petition! Secondly, obtain a petition and get other signatures. Read the directions about getting signatures so they will be valid. It would be a shame to waste your time and for others to think they have helped to end this torturous procedure if they haven’t. Take it to church, around your neighborhood, family gatherings; even if a person isn’t against abortion, they should be against torture.
If you are local to the American Decency Association we would invite you to stop by and pick up petition forms from us at 203 E. Main St. in Fremont, Michigan.
We urge you to visit to order petitions, request materials, read the legislative bill, or learn more about dismemberment abortion. On their home page is an animated video of a dismemberment abortion. One needn’t fear accidentally watching it. It must be clicked on to watch it.
FYI: In the amount of time it took me to write this article 8, 586 murders in the mother’s womb were committed.
“Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!”Jeremiah 9:1
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