Let me start with an opening verse and a contrasting statement from president and CEO of Open Doors USA, a ministry focused on the worldwide persecution of our Christian brothers and sisters.
“Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.” (Hebrews 13:3)
In response to the 17 Nigerian Christians who were abducted during choir practice (May 18), some of whom may be sold into slavery, raped, or forced to marry their jihadist abductors, and also in response to the 3,731 Christians in Nigeria who were killed last year, David Curry has a sobering word—especially in light of the above Scripture.
“If such violence had occurred in Nashville rather than Nigeria, it would dominate nightly news broadcasts and saturate social media feeds. American churches would be launching fundraising campaigns for victims’ families and addressing it in their weekly gatherings. In this case, however, the American church has barely acknowledged it. Unfortunately, when violence occurs somewhere ‘over there’ instead of in our backyard, it is often dismissed as just another story. American churches must do better.”
He goes on to say, “Yet the leadership of the American church, with its superpastors and megachurches, is whistling through the graveyard. The beast that we have created, which relies on upbeat music and positivity to attract donors to sustain large budgets, leaves little room for pastors to talk about the suffering of global Christians. Like most of the culture, the American church is more concerned about college entrance scandals and ‘Game of Thrones’ than persecution. Inoculated by entertainment and self-absorption, they are completely detached from the experience of the global church. The American church is feeding itself to death while the worldwide church is being murdered.”
Do yourself a favor; click here and read the whole of David Curry’s wake-up call to the American church, found in USA Today’s opinion section.
Unless we search for this kind of information, we generally won’t hear of it. When we do, we are either overwhelmed asking ourselves, “What can I do?” or we are underwhelmed and treat it like “just another story.” How different our actions and our prayers might be if we truly remembered, as though being bound and suffering with them.
Let me share with you about one truth teller and some ways that he is making a difference in regards to the persecuted church. Frank Gaffney is not only a friend to freedom and truth; he has also proven himself to be a friend to the persecuted Christians around the world. In the past we have shared with our readers about his website www.savethepersecutedchristians.org. Some of you have even picked up banners from us in an effort to bring awareness to your community about the hundreds of millions of persecuted believers that are horribly mistreated each year. Some are wrongfully imprisoned, raped, sold into slavery, tortured, and murdered.
…as bound with them
Tomorrow, July 10, 2019, there will be rallies held in fifteen (15) locations around the United States for the purpose of raising awareness and to do something about these heinous acts perpetuated against believers in Jesus Christ. If you can get to Atlanta, Cleveland, Columbus, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City, Phoenix, San Francisco, Tampa, Virginia, Washington D.C., or West Palm Beach, sign up to attend the event closest to you.
These fifteen locations may be too far for you to participate in person; but you are able to participate virtually. Go to www.religiousfreedomrally.org to find out how. At this website one can also get more news about the persecuted church.
Frank Gaffney shared on Sandy Rios in the Morning, from Open Doors, that last year 215 million Christians were heavily persecuted. This year 30 million more (245 million) are being heavily persecuted for the sake of Christ.
…as bound with them
If I am truly bound with my brothers and sisters in Christ, how would I want others to respond? In essence, Paul is telling me that I should respond in like manner.
Mainstream media may ignore the historic levels of intense violence perpetuated upon believers of Jesus; but we must not!
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