“If you don’t like abortion, just don’t get one.” This is an oft quoted line from the Left regarding any agenda they hope to push. “Don’t watch, smoke dope, listen, etc; but don’t stop me from doing as I please.” At least that’s how it starts.
One of the major troubles with that line of thinking is that it ignores the fact that even if I don’t do a particular action, those who choose to do that action still adversely affect the culture in which I live. If I look at the world as a pool, and I like to swim in clean water, it’s not enough for me to just not throw trash and filth into the pool. If others throw their wrappers, spill their drinks, or get sick in the pool, it affects all of us. In truth, I am standing for a clean pool; that automatically pits my stand against all who would contaminate the clean waters. So I must warn of the dangers of dirtying the pool; after all, in this illustration, we have nowhere else to go.
Another issue is, as those who stand in opposition to us gain ground and strength, as culture travels down the road of tolerance and acceptance, we eventually come to a point where these evils are pushed on to us individually. No longer are they content to say, “just don’t get one.” Next they insist, “Too bad, it’s for your own good;” or “It’s for the good of the community;” or some other such excuse. Case in point would be the title of a headline from The Briefing (6/25/19): British Judge Rules Mentally Disabled Woman Must Abort Her Baby: The Frightening, Coercive Power of the State on Full Display.
Remember, this is not a report from a third world country or some oppressive regime; this story is datelined from London. Quoting from the NY Times, “A British court ordered an abortion for a mentally disabled woman against her, and her mother's wishes, with the judge calling the decision heartbreaking, but in the best interest of the woman who is 22 weeks pregnant.”
How shocking to read such a story; but it could happen here too. There are many who are under the impression that such things couldn’t happen in America; however, look at the sign posts and follow them to their destination.
In a political climate where conservatives are called “dregs” and “deplorables;” where Christians who teach their children creationism, as opposed to evolution, are called “child abusers;” when opponents can call for physical violence against those they stand against without fear of justice; as we see the dehumanization of the Right, we can expect nearly anything to happen.
When the LGBT culture is forced upon our school children, stealing from them privacy, attacking their innocence, and violating their conscience in the bathrooms and locker rooms; it shouldn’t stretch anyone’s imagination to see what may be on the not so distant horizon.
As we yield more and more control to a government that is protecting anti-Biblical values while steam-rolling over the rights of those who stand for Truth as described by God’s Word, we are a nation heading for trouble and a Christian people ripe for persecution.
As Dr. Mohler warns in his broadcast mentioned above, “But there is another dimension of this story that thoughtful Christians need to consider carefully, and that is the warning in this story about the coercive power of the state. You have people in the United States calling for a single-payer health care system, and in particular a single-payer system that is tax funded, and run by the government, a form of nationalized health service. Well, just consider this warning coming from Britain. If you do have a government run health care service, it has the coercive power of the government behind it.”
Reading the writing on the wall, “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.”
In the meantime, pray for our president and the other two branches of government, that God would rule and over rule (I Tim. 2:1-4). Pray for those who would, and are, persecuting the Church (Matt. 5:11). Live a life of holiness and be steady in devotions, both being encouraged and learning better how to live (2 Tim. 2:15).
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