A Question Asked

By: American Decency Staff


A person at our recent Jim Simpson conference (The Red-Green Axis) asked me, “Are you doing okay with finances?”  This quickens me to say this:  It means so much to know that people think of us – even with their pocketbooks!

We’re coming off a season where giving is down.  As the summer ends, we find ourselves weakened financially – even as we’ve been involved in a whirlwind of ministry efforts.

Very recently, as many of you know, with urgency we became engaged on multiple fronts to shed light on the disturbing Down syndrome drag show, brought to West Michigan by Project 1-ArtPrize.  We strongly felt that we had to push back against the event organizers and local media who were spinning the lie that dressing up mentally disabled individuals in sexually provocative garb to dance for the pleasure of others was “art,” not exploitation.  To do so, we placed a full-page ad in the Grand Rapids Press to combat the left’s narrative.  (Click Here).

As a result, our full-page ad provided a tool for untold numbers of like-minded kindred spirits, which then helped others to also see the corrupt and degrading nature of DisArt (the group bringing in the drag show) and recognize it for what it was – the exploitation of image bearers of God – the least of these.

When very few were speaking out, we answered the call!   We also urged supporters to express concern to the underwriters and sponsors of Project 1-ArtPrize, providing contact information for each one. Recognizing that many may not have been aware of what they were sponsoring, we were encouraged to learn of at least one major long-term corporate underwriter who stated that he was outraged, and strongly verbalized that to the event organizers, letting them know his company would never again support the city-wide event!  

A co-founder of DisArt, who was also a faculty member at Calvin University, suddenly resigned from his position at Calvin after we had raised the question in our newsletter and emails as to how a university, thoroughly committed to Christian purposes in its mission statement, could be affiliated with a staff person who proudly espoused drag queen/transgender ideology.  It was obvious in communications we received from Calvin that many of our supporters had responded to our request to contact the university.  Thank you for joining us in our efforts.

The whirlwind continued as we prepared for our recent weekend conference featuring Jim Simpson, discussing sanctuary cities/counties and the danger that portends as illegal immigrants are allowed greater latitude in a loosening of law enforcement interventions as ICE officials (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) are prevented from enforcing immigration law in local communities.  Such policies make such communities “welcoming centers” for illegal immigrants, which predictably leads to an uptick in criminality – as Jim Simpson’s eye-opening research shows in his statistical graphs and charts from state after state. Alarming to say the least.

With what is commonly called the summer slump comes a slump in finances as well. If you appreciate the many ways in which we are salt and light, please consider financially helping us continue bringing truth to you and our communities. Thank you.

Please allow me to cut to the quick, dear friends! We need bolstering at this critical time.  Please stand with us as strongly as you are able!  Thanks, dear friend.

To support our efforts, please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412

American Decency Associationis a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. 

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