Two recent international headline serve as a warning for Americans whose Representatives are voting on the “Equality Act.”
The first shows a debate going on right now in the UK, where their cable morning shows and everyone else are debating whether “misgendering” someone – referring to them as some gender other than what they’ve chosen for themselves – is a hate crime. This was brought about when a Catholic woman was brought in for questioning by the police for doing just that.
The second will show you a situation in Canada, where a father is struggling against the Canadian Supreme Court’s decision to allow a doctor to give the man’s 14-year-old daughter testosterone injections without his consent. The doctor is a transgender advocate who brags about the number of foster children he has in his practice and encourages parents and children to claim the child has attempted suicide so their “treatments” will be covered by the state.
Either story could be a part of the American experience if H.R. 5, The Equality Act, is ever signed into law.
Do you remember the controversy over Target’s policy a few years ago when they decided to let “transgender” men use women’s bathrooms? H.R. 5 would make that policy into law for every public restroom in the United States.
Here’s how Elain Kao at the Heritage Foundation summarizes it: “The proposed Equality Act (H.R. 5) turns sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) into protected classes under the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1968 Fair Housing Act. The bill creates obvious liberty, equality, privacy, and safety concerns. H.R. 5 would empower the federal government to impose civil and criminal punishments on citizens who dissent from SOGI ideology, including medical professionals, parents, women and girls, businesses, and charities. The bill would violate their rights to freedom of conscience, religion, and speech. The bill would also take away basic authorities of local communities to determine who is allowed in single-sex facilities and whether biological men and boys are allowed to join women’s and girls’ sports teams.”
Another direct result, according to Kao is that,“Medicine will be politicized by forcing doctors nationwide to treat gender dysphoria according to recommendations by transgender activists. Politicization of medicine will increase pressure on parents to permit hormone and surgery experiments on their children to address gender dysphoria.”
Dr. James Dobson issued a statement of alarm in response to the legislation saying, “Make no mistake, the so-called Equality Act is nothing but a thinly veiled attempt to finish off religious liberty in America once and for all, which ought to be plainly obvious based upon a cursory reading of the First Amendment. Simply put, by creating a protected class of citizens out of the LGBT community, this bill places Christians who believe in traditional marriage at grave legal and civil jeopardy.”
The most concerning part is that every Democrat Senator running for President cosponsored the Senate version of the Bill: Kirsten Gillibrand, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Tulsi Gabbard, and it was introduced to the floor by Cory Booker. So while it’s highly unlikely that President Trump would ever sign this bill, it’s very likely that the next Democrat president will, unless something happens to change the political will of our culture.
There is already good news that hearts and minds are changing. This, from Family Research Council tells the story, “In just three years, young conservatives may have some buyer's remorse about this agenda that wasn't supposed to affect them. Now, in one of the largest declines pollsters on the subject have seen, the number of GOP millennials who think America should give special privileges to people who identify as gay, lesbian, and transgender has fallen from 74 to 63 percent. Yes, it's still a majority, but, as experts point out, ‘the shift is striking.’ ‘It was one of the largest and most significant drops that we saw,’ Public Religion Research Institute's Robert Jones told the [New York] Times.”
Of course, we know that God is in control. Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.” That’s true no matter who is king and if it’s true of kings, it’s certainly true of voters. We can rest on the knowledge that God will“work all things together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.”
Yet, while we know that God is in control, we also know that we are called to have faith and the evidence of our faith is our work. It is our duty to push back against the life-destroying lies which this bill establishes and share His Truth with those who are susceptible to it!
May He equip His people to fulfill His purpose.
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