There are many different leadership styles and different ways work for different personalities; but the most important question is, “Where do our leaders lead?” We must look at what they do and where those actions will take us as a state, community, and as individuals. Another important question is “Are they looking to protect us or use us?” As we ask these two important questions we must remember, it’s not so much what they say; it’s what they do. In other words, it has less to do with the letter behind their name (D or R) and everything to do with how they vote, the policies they desire to implement, and what they desire to do with the Constitution—the Law of the Land! These questions are timely and pertinent since many of our readers will shortly be heading to the polls. (NOVEMBER 6!)
If you read our email alerts, you’ll not be surprised when I write, “Look to the destination’s end—the logical conclusion—of where this leader wants to take you.” God tells us time and again, “Consider your ways.” In the first chapter of Isaiah, He lays it out succinctly; one way leads to destruction and the other to blessing. Be sure to choose wisely. Proverbs warns that there is a way which seems right to man but in the end it leads to destruction.
Although Solomon is speaking spiritually, there is much truth to it in our daily lives as well. For example, the short term destination of socialism may feel right (FREE STUFF!!!); unfortunately, the long-term road ends in Venezuela—a well destroyed country if ever there was one. Political, economical, societal, and spiritual ruin is to be found at each turn. As President Trump reminded the U.N., “The problem with Venezuela, is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented.”
Keeping these things in mind, let’s examine the roads of potential leaders to see where they want to lead us.
Some would lead us to secure borders, protecting American citizens financially, physically, in regards to employment, their families, and the list goes on. Others would lead us to a path of disregard—disregarding our national and state sovereignty, our safety, the rule of law, and personal responsibility. As the Washington Times and others report, the “Cost of border wall is less than cost of services for illegals.” Will you be led by those who tug on your heart-strings or those who balance compassion, law, and common-sense?
While some leaders are strong proponents for First and Second Amendment rights, others are diametrically opposed to your freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, a free press, and the freedom of redressing grievances against the government. Yes, they want to shut these things down unless your thoughts, words, and feelings happen to agree with theirs. Let’s not forget that these same leaders enjoy the freedom of being protected by firearms but would not afford you that same protection if they could get away with it. Pay close attention to where leaders lead!
There are leaders who cherish life for all and call for civility in conversation, in debate, in public, and in the inner workings of our government. Then there are those like former Vice President Joe Biden, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sen. Maxine Waters (D-CA), and a host of others who have decided that conservatives are “dregs,” “deplorables,” and incite mob violence on Trump, those in his administration, and conservatives in general. These are leaders who desire to lead us down a path of further incivility and death, who claim there cannot be civility until they are back in control. What is the final destination of these two types of leaders? Which path would you rather see our society be led down?
Look at the difference between former President Obama’s poor presentations of America versus President Trump’s strong and patriotic stances internationally. The former constantly apologizing for our exceptionalism and ignoring our best interest while President Trump boldly and unapologetically looks out for America’s best interest and encourages other countries to do the same, refusing the crushing hand of globalism while looking to make good neighbors by “fences” and giving a hand up rather than a hand out. We have potential leaders on local, state, and national levels that follow the example of either one or the other of these men in dealing with their own geo-political boundaries. The strong naturally commands respect while the weak invites others to view us as a doormat. It’s not a matter of pride vs. humility; it is about taking care of your own and showing reasonable compassion to those really in need. Which result—what destination—do you desire?
There are so many other issues to cover; let’s do a quick fly-over regarding a couple of them. There are leaders who desire to protect religious liberty and fight against religious persecution while there are others who bring about religious persecution and limit religious liberty through agenda driven laws and lawsuits. Some leaders respect the rule of law and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America while others break their oath to protect it, desire to change it, and consider themselves to either be above the law or under the authority of a different law (Shariah). These issues are vital and must be considered very carefully; because there is no return from the destination that these leaders have embarked upon and those who would take the American public with them.
In all the previously mentioned areas, and those left unmentioned, let us solemnly consider the second question I started with: Are these leaders looking to protect us or use us?
Look at the picture at the top of this email; read it carefully. Instead of focusing on the things I wish President Trump was; rather than talking about the gaffs or the tweets we wish he wouldn’t send; recognizing that there are things behind the scenes which we know little to nothing about; let’s be grateful that he is “in the way,” protecting America and her constitutional way of life.
It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a leader lead by putting America (and her citizens) first, regardless of the personal attacks and cost. It’s been many years since we’ve had a leader who would honor the military, protect our liberties, actively fight against socialism and Christian persecution even when it’s not popular. True American leaders protect and they lead by the Law of the land even when they seemingly face a tsunami of threats, character assault, propaganda, and Deep State antics. Contemporarily we have seen very few leaders like this; but I am grateful for President Trump, Sen. Cruz, Sen. Lee, and others of their brave kind.
I have had several conversations with young adults from this millennial generation. Many do not think that voting is that important. I have warned them of the importance of voting and tried to help them see that their future is at stake. Too many assume that the America of today will continue to be, or become better on its own. Too few see the destructiveness of many leaders who form the “Red-Green Axis.” Dear reader, it’s up to you and I to continue to 1) vote for leaders who will protect this nation and 2) patiently and urgently explain the importance of looking at the destinations, considering the outcomes, and voting in the future.
May God have mercy upon us as we consider our ways and prayerfully turn back to Him.
Pray, consider, and vote on November 6.
The American Decency Association is pleased to bring Kevin Freeman into West Michigan (Details)
Freeman is a man with a Biblical worldview. He has stood in high places facing tough challenges. God opened the door for Kevin to speak in Fremont (Friday, October 26) and Holland (Saturday, October 27).
Freeman’s messages will cover risks of subversive market crash, cyber warfare, debt trap, dollar attacks by the left coordinating with enemies and adversaries (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Islamists).These are not just threats to America, but also direct attacks on our Judeo-Christian heritage and our faith. The purpose of this talk is designed to promote wise preparation.
To register for either the Fremont or Holland locations call us at 231-924-4050 or email
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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