What Future Will Michigan (and America) Choose?

By: American Decency Staff

Click here to register for American Decency’s most important event to date. (Information below on these June 15 and 16 events below.)

Michigan will vote its future on August 7th, are you informed on the #1 voting issue? Are you aware that Michigan and Minnesota are the two key states for gubernatorial elections this year? I wonder how many people in Michigan are asleep at the wheel. Will they allow the “Great Lakes State” to go careening off the road, crashing into the water and sinking into a watery grave of no return? Or will we (all of us), warn and stir our families, churches, and friends to recognize the vital significance of these times, shaking the cobwebs from our thoughts, allowing the truth to blow the fog from our vision, and see the landscape for what it is as it lies before us? Are you willing to sound the alarm with us? If not, this state—and nation—may never recover. We may continue to lose freedoms, making it all the more difficult to stand for what is right and true and decent. Some may think this an overstatement—it is not!

These are the very times that the great statesman Winston Churchill warned about. “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.

We dare not allow the slumber of apathy or distraction of entertainment to keep us from our duty as Christians or as citizens of the United States of America. We certainly won’t be telling people who to vote for; but we each have a duty to be informed and to educate ourselves on the candidates and the issues. How do these things align themselves with the Bible, the supreme law of those who belong to the Christian faith? How do these candidates and issues line up with our constitution, the supreme law of the land? What things will further or restrict our freedoms? Join us to learn about the issues that are so vital for this election.

With great urgency upon us, we here at American Decency are presenting what may very well be our most important event EVER!The fight for decency on this front is so important that we are bringing these presentations to both the west AND east sides of Michigan. Don’t miss out on this very important time of learning and stirring. You will hear from highly regarded men who are very aware of “the signs of the times.” And you will hear personal accounts from two women who lived through the atrocities of Islam only to escape and now share their message with you. Become aware of the issues surrounding Islam and women.

Join national security experts Frank Gaffney and Philip Haney as they explore the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to transform Michigan into a Sharia-compliant state. There is no one better informed on the threat posed by Sharia adherent Muslims in the United States, and there’s no one who can explain that threat better or in a more down-to-earth fashion than Philip Haney. (Check out the end of this article to find out how you can have Mr. Haney speak at your gathering)

American Decency has hosted Frank Gaffney on a number of occasions, never disappointing the people who have come out to hear him and the wealth of information he shares. His organization, Center for Security Policy (CSP), has videos, conferences, monographs, and radio interviews exposing Islam, its tenets, and the Muslim Brotherhood’s ever-increasing influence in American government and society, among other things.

Here’s something you will not want to miss! We are very excited to bring to you the stories of two very brave women. Those who attend this important event will get an up-close look at how women are treated under Sharia law, as first-hand accounts are shared by two women who have lived under such intolerable conditions. Anni Cyrus and Farrah Prudence are two women who live with Sharia-sanctioned death threats on their heads. Yet, this does not deter them; they continue to risk their lives to warn the American public about the danger of Islamic Sharia law. Come; listen to their first-hand experiences of abuse as “property” under Sharia.

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity; join us in either of the following two locations:

We will start the weekend off in Fremont at the American Decency headquarters (203 E. Main St.) on Friday, June 15, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM. On the east side of the state we will meet at the Bloomfield Hills Baptist Church (3600 Telegraph Rd; Bloomfield Hills, 48302) on Saturday, June 16 from 2 PM to 6 PM.

Click here to register for Our Friday afternoon event in Fremont.

These are unique events meant to educate and stir. We cannot allow ourselves to roll along in ignorance, ignoring the fact that whatever happens in August will not stay in August—it will affect our lives and the freedoms and lives of those who come after us. Make no mistake; our future is at stake! It’s not only about political parties; it’s about ideologies and how they will affect us individually and as a whole.

Get informed; join us on either Friday, June 15, or on Saturday, June 16. Share your information with others; have conversations, explaining the urgency of the situation. This is much more than standing against that which is wrong and dangerous; it’s about standing for what is right, standing for liberty, and proclaiming the exclusivity and importance of Christ for every living soul.

Listen to a Frank Gaffney interview Raheem Kassam on The Existential Threat to the West here.

Listen to Sen. Ted Cruz interview Phil Haney here.

A 38 minute presentation by Phil Haney on Islamism in our government here.

Listen to Anni Cyrus share a part of her story here.

Listen to Farrah Prudence speak out here.



It’s not often that great knowledge comes with great humility, but that’s what we love about former Homeland Security Agent Philip Haney. There’s no one better informed on the threat posed by Shariah adherent Muslims in the United States, and there’s no one who can explain that threat better or in a more down-to-earth fashion than Mr. Haney.

Phil Haney wants to speak to YOUR group! Mr. Haney is spending the month of June in Michigan to inform the citizens of our state on the influence of Shariah adherents in State and Federal government. If you have a Sunday School class, small group, Bible study, community group, or even just family and friends – any audience, large or small – that you think would profit from hearing Mr. Haney at any time, talk to us about scheduling by emailing kimberly@americandecency.org or calling us at 231-924-4050.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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