Victory Over the Vortex of Sin

By: American Decency Staff


We all serve someone; who are you going to serve?

Paul, in Romans, calls us to be slaves to righteousness unto holiness. It is unfitting for a Christian to be chained to sin. Yet, either through playing with temptation or being raised in some sinful manner, many people find themselves caught in the undertow of the tumultuous waters of sin. Some make excuse for their behavior, others desperately want out, and almost all feel shame and wonderment that they could have gone so far and be held so fast.

At first, the unsuspecting one who thought to flirt with temptation believed himself to be stronger than the vice he was playing with. There was the pleasure of “sin for a season” as the drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, stealing, or whatever it was, enticed and lured the one created in God’s own image away from the wholeness and holiness that the Creator desires for His creation. As time progressed so did both the “need” for this addictive substance and the increased amount of it to obtain the same level of pleasure. Often, guilt followed; but the desire remained and pulled and wrapped its steely grip around the pulse of the addict’s life. Swimming against the undercurrent of sin, he cries out in prayer with each gasp of breath he is able to muster, promising that this is the last time.

Addictions, by their very nature, are like a vortex that desires to pull you in and destroy you. It doesn’t matter what willpower you muster, what earthly plans you have for defeating it, or how many accountability partners you have on speed dial; the vortex of sin just swirls them round and around in a jumbled mess, tiring the fighter, and finally sucking in the addict and destroying most, if not all, that is good in his or her life.

It need NOT be this way!  Have you trusted in Jesus to save you? Then He saves to the uttermost and will cut every chain of sin which binds you. In Hebrews 12 we are called to set aside every weight and the sin which so easily besets us. What is a besetting sin? Whenever I try to type the word “beset” or “besetting,” I always end up typing “best” or “besting.” That’s a pretty good definition. A besetting sin is one which bests you most of the time. Here’s the good news. Jesus can and will best your besetting sin; come to Him in faith. After all the grace that God has bestowed upon you and after all that Christ has done for you, would you dare to still cling to that sin which so easily besets you?

I haven’t found anyone who makes it clearer than puritan Samuel Ward:

“When you feel the pull of your heart toward sin, set your faith to work with all speed. Let it lay hold of God’s power. It secretly empowers your heart with a pliable willingness, and makes your will lamb-like. All this it does by laying hold of the effective cure of the death of Christ. The power of Christ’s resurrection also transforms the heart of man, and creates and infuses him with new principles of action. Trust in his power to mortify your flesh to sin, and make your spirit alive to holiness. Do you find a strong, inbred, habitual vice troubling you and keeping you prisoner against your will? Have you often resolved to forsake it, but with failure? You must renounce the broken reed of your own power. Place your trust in the grace of Christ. Be weak in yourself and strong in the Lord, and by faith be more than a conqueror. Fall, with Jacob, to wrestle with Christ for a blessing. You will go limping away, but you shall be a prince with God and be delivered from Esau’s bondage. If Satan has held possession in some strong fort of your heart, persist in resisting, and he shall fall like lightning before you. Christ can overcome the most putrefied sores of sins, so do not despair; through faith you can set your feet on their neck and triumph over them.” (Voices From the Past Vol. 1; p. 38; Used by permission from Banner of Truth;

There IS victory over the vortex of sin.  Victory over addiction will be found by faith in Christ alone, loving Him with the whole heart. When we love Jesus more than anything else; when we desire nothing more than to please Him; when we rest solely on His power; the bondage of any addiction will be broken. Even in addiction we must realize man’s responsibility while seeking God’s sovereignty. David helps us with this dilemma in Psalm 63:8. “My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me.” Let us follow hard after Jesus, having a desire for Him that is stronger than any other desire. In other words, being “addicted” to Jesus breaks all other addictions.


Join us for our upcoming events:


On Friday, March 16, with showings at 1 PM and 7 PM, the American Decency Association will be presenting a documentary produced by the American Family Association. The God Who Speaks will be shown in our auditorium which is located at, 203 E Main Street, Fremont, Michigan.

This 90 minute documentary answers common objections about the Bible’s reliability and equips believers to confidently base their lives on the power of God’s Word. This film offers great insight into the authority of the Bible as some of the world’s most respected biblical scholars speak to its authority, inspiration, help, and divine authorship.


MARK YOUR CALENDAR!  What’s more valuable than any possession you own? Your children and grandchildren! Why do we spend so much money on locks and security systems to guard our temporal blessings, yet leave the eyes/minds of those we love unguarded or to their own protection? Regardless of how busy you may be, DO NOT miss out on this important event to help train you and your children regarding internet use. Become an active line of defense in protecting them.

Join us on March 23 at 7 PM at the American Decency building (203 E. Main St, Fremont, Michigan). The group is called Protect Young Eyes and they do a most excellent job!

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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