Trusting God in Trying Times!

By: American Decency Staff


This is“No time to go wobbly.” This statement by James Dobson strikes a chord with me. It’s a clarion call to each and every liberty-loving American to stand consistently firm during such hate-filled times that “try men’s souls.” But mostly, I find it to be a call and encouragement to Christians, that they would “stand, having done all to stand in the evil day.” Indeed, these are evil days and days that try men’s souls. While Dr. Dobson’s letter points to the dangerous “wobbly” times of Nazi Germany, I’d like to take you back further, pointing to a time when men stood firm, trusting God in trying times.

It’s possible to “get wobbly” in any number of ways; although it mostly boils down to becoming wobbly either nationally (societal) or spiritually. In contrast, I urge you to stand firm and do the right thing. Let’s take a look at the national/societal scene first.

Most are familiar with Thomas Paine’s phrase “These are the times that try men’s souls;” but few know that the title from which it comes is “American Crisis.” Nor are many familiar with the words which follow that phrase, teaching us how to finish well. “THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.

America is in crisis again; this founding father gives us some insight into why we are becoming wobbly, why we must fight against sleepy apathy (refusing to become wobbly), and how to strengthen our legs for the firm land of freedom once more.

Freedom and what was once known as “American values” has been “esteemed too lightly;” because, for too many generations, we have not taught the price that our forefathers paid for FREEDOM and for the ability to truly worship God.These recent generations have been taught to vilify the men and women who gave up so much that we might enjoy FREEDOM, freedom unlike that which any other nation has known. Students  aren’t taught what it meant to pledge and diligently give up their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor; all to the glory of God and so that those who came after could enjoy freedom. They were not wobbly by any means; we must stand firm today and not be wobbly. As times come to try our national soul—eroding the Constitution consistently (each time ever so slightly); some from the Right and many from the Left encouraging hatred and violence; God being removed from schools, political platforms, and even from the church; every man doing what is right in his own eyes and piling sin upon sin—it is imperative that we refuse to wobble, that we stand firm, trusting God, in such trying times.

If we don’t, the chances of wobbling and tripping over freedom, falling into a dictatorial type of Nazi Germany is very likely – where we close our eyes and ears to the murderous wrongdoing of the government.  May it never be! (Although it already is in the case of abortion.)  Who is next?

Let us look for a short moment to the wobbly church; for she is enduring trying times as well, and they will only get harder.

Again, “what we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.” Also, “it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM (in Christ) should not be highly rated.”

Dear reader, is Jesus really dear to you? Just because salvation is the gift of God, not of works, doesn’t mean that it was obtained cheaply. Let us always remember the high price of obedience that Jesus paid upon the cross for our salvation. Let us never forget that it was by His shed blood that our sins were atoned for, thereby allowing us to enjoy the grace of God. Although we have freely received, that doesn’t mean that we are without responsibility. We are still called to obedience and to stand firm in the faith. But these doctrines seem like a foreign concept to much of the church today; the Bride of Christ has become entitled and wobbly.

Evangelist Adam Buckler in speaking on the account of Ruth had this to say: “We complain about the entitlement attitude of millennial people; and millennial people are nothing compared to the modern church. The modern church has an absolute entitlement mentality. We come to church like God owes us a blessing. We go out in the world like God owes us whatever. I’m going to tell you tonight on the authority of the Word of God, He doesn’t owe us anything and we owe Him everything. We’re not gleaning in the field where we’ve sowed; we’re gleaning in the field of grace, the unmerited favor of a holy God. And we ought to be more than content to cut in the corners.

When we focus on grace to the exclusion of the great price Jesus paid upon the cross, we get wobbly. When the church encourages people to identify with their sin rather than identifying with their Saviour, she gets wobbly. When the church would rather live worldly than holy; seek itself rather than deny itself; exalt self rather than crucify self; and follow their own pleasures instead of following Jesus; she has forgotten who she is meant to be, cannot be Jesus’ disciple, and has become wobbly.

In these times that try men’s souls, how shall we then live during these times of wobbly confusion?

Quoting from Dr. Beeke’s Family Worship Bible Guide from Habakkuk chapter 2:

That the just are to live by faith encompasses all of life and every experience of life. We are to walk by faith and not by sight. Faith gives the assurance that God is in heaven (v. 20), His glory is in the earth (v. 14), and therefore, all is well regardless of what we see or sense. We may not always understand the reason, but we should live in the confidence that God is sovereignly accomplishing His purpose in all things.

Or in other words, do the right thing (what does the Bible say about that particular thing)—in faith—simply because it’s the right thing to do, trusting that God is sovereignly working out His will. Although it’s not always easy, it’s just that simple.

These are desperate days; our nation and the church are in need of men and women who will stand firm in faith. Don’t be wobbly, stand firm on the Word of God.

Part of standing firm is to vote Biblically. Those who live in Michigan will have an opportunity to vote accordingly on August 7, 2018; other states will have their opportunity before long. It’s important that we never treat the primary election as a lesser election. It’s an opportunity to get the right candidate into the running. Too many Christians allow the non-believing public to speak for them. Make sure you learn about the candidates and let your voice be heard through your vote.

One very important aspect to learn about when considering candidates is Shariah law. I urge you to look at some of our other articles at to learn what you can. Another very important way to learn about Shariah law and its stronghold in Michigan (and the U.S.) is by attending tonight’s event with Phil Haney at 7 PM. Join us at the New Life Fellowship church, located at 12960 James Street, Holland, MI 49424.

God was sovereign in Joshua’s day even as He is in ours. Nonetheless He told Joshua and the children of Israel to be bold and courageous, to obediently stand firm and take the land. So it is with us. God IS sovereign; but we are called to obediently and courageously do the right thing.

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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.



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