Some have mistakenly assumed that we, the American Decency Association (ADA), have changed our focus or the point of our stance. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Our fight has always been for truth and decency, or in other words, God’s holy standard. Yes, our battle will always be against pornography; but the battle for decency goes far beyond pornography, as important as that is. The attacks on truth, decency, holiness, and righteousness has taken on different forms, often times, forms that can be confusing to the average conscientious American, including the average American Christian.
We diligently keep our eyes and ears open to the issues of our day, that we might take an active role in being salt and light where corruption and darkness would creep in. Wherever God’s holy standard is being attacked, we want to be active in that battle. Martin Luther warned, “Though we be active in the battle, if we are not fighting where the battle is the hottest, we are traitors to the cause.”
It’s important that you understand that we have not given up the cause of truth, decency, and holiness. Take some time to learn about the following issues which are raised in this email and see that as we stand up for Christ and for the precious truth of God’s Word, it may easily be viewed as standing against those things which attack righteousness. Let’s look at it this way. If you love and believe in the sanctity of life, you will naturally stand for the right to life of every unborn child. As you do so, some will see it from the negative point of view—you are standing against abortion and against the “right” for a woman to choose what she will with “her body.” Why? It’s the natural result of standing for the sanctity of life and the right of every human, whether within or without the womb. In like manner, there is a battle raging, first and foremost, against the truth of God’s Word and the exclusivity of Christ. Secondly, there is a battle against our national Constitution, the dignity and rights of women, girls, and every citizen of our country. These fronts are where the battle is hottest today.
In our standing for truth, decency, and Biblical holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord, there will be those who naturally accuse us of standing against, or even hating Muslims. Although Muslims may pray against Christians several times a day, calling us and the Jews cursed, we do not hate them. We pray that God will reveal Himself to them and that they will find His redeeming grace through Jesus Christ, who is much more than a prophet. He is the only begotten Son of God who was crucified, buried, and raised again on the third day, just as the Scriptures prophesied. Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father, the only way to heaven.
If that were all, it would be enough. But there’s a very real attack on our Constitution, on women in this nation as well as on those women oppressed by Shariah law and its adherents, and indeed on all United States citizenry. America is under civilization jihad which is a “peaceful” form of attack upon a nation by changing the culture and beliefs of that nation from within. With every attack of civilization jihad upon our schools, media, society, churches, and the like, it is at its core an attack against the Word of God and His holy standards.
As we fight the battle where it rages the hottest, as we stand for Biblical truth and righteousness, there will be those who misunderstand why we are showing the dangers and truth of Islam and its dangers to the freedoms of this nation, particularly to our female citizenry in regards to:
FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)
Child brides (and Pedophilia)
Attacks on the rights and freedom of women under the oppressive hand of Shariah law
Shariah-sanctioned rape (No-fault rape)
Human Trafficking
Wife Beating
We will be called names and misrepresented as “White supremacists,” “Islamophobes,” “Xenophobes,” haters, etc., in standing for decency and the precious truth, not only for the above but for the following as well:
Deception and lies (taqiya) for the sake of furthering Islam
Destruction of the Constitution
Ripping apart the Bill of Rights
Lawlessness of Sanctuary Cities and States
Honor Violence
Jihad (Mass Murder)
Extreme Punishments for Apostasy and Blasphemy
These are more than just issues; they are attacks against this nation, decency, Jesus and those created in His image (including Muslims, for we are all image-bearers of God).
Do the aforementioned things make sense to you? We certainly hope so; because we continue to cherish your prayers and your support as we press on in the battle for Jesus Christ and His holy standard. We certainly hope so because Michigan is now embattled and at a turning point as we will be voting for its next governor. Are you aware of and informed about the most important voting issues which will confront Michigan voters on August 7, 2018?
It is because of all these things that we have focused our attention (not to the neglect of other issues) on bringing salt and light to the dark and decaying issues which face the state of Michigan now. Join us on Friday, June 15, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM at the American Decency building (203 E. Main St. Fremont, MI. 49412). Register here for Fremont. Or join us on the east side of the state on Saturday, June 16 from 2 PM to 6 PM. We will meet at the Bloomfield Hills Baptist Church (3600 Telegraph Rd; Bloomfield Hills, 48302). Register here for Bloomfield Hills.
Invite your friends and family; no one will want to miss out on the amazing lineup of speakers that will be sharing and instructing at this most important event, which we have entitled “What Future Will Michigan Choose?”
Come hear National Security Experts Frank Gaffney and Phil Haney as they explore the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to transform Michigan into a Shariah-compliant sanctuary state.
Join us for two speakers we have never had before! Listen to the first-hand accounts of two incredibly brave women who have escaped the grips of Islamic Shariah law. Hear about their personal experiences of abuse as “property” under Shariah law, the Shariah-sanctioned death threats that are on their heads, and their warnings of what will happen to Michigan (and America) should we ignore the perilous times we are in today. Anni Cyrus and Farrah Prudence are the names of these two women who are risking their lives to warn us of the imminent threat to America and even Michigan residents.
Wake up! We are not beating the air as fools who have zeal without knowledge. Don’t be apathetic about the real dangers which surround us. Let us take this window of opportunity while we still have it and become informed to the best of our ability, zealously and urgently stir and inform others of the situation we have allowed ourselves to be in, and finally, let us not be fearful. Instead, let us “Trust in the Lord with all our heart and not depend upon our own understanding. In all that we do, acknowledge God’s sovereign leading and walk in faith that way. Don’t be wise in your own eyes; fear God alone and depart from evil.” (Paraphrase of Prov. 3:5-7)
Be learners and teachers! Come to either of these events and then impress the importance of these times upon others. Friday, June 15, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM at the American Decency building (203 E. Main St. Fremont, MI. 49412). Register here for Fremont. Or join us on the east side of the state on Saturday, June 16 from 2 PM to 6 PM. We will meet at the Bloomfield Hills Baptist Church (3600 Telegraph Rd; Bloomfield Hills, 48302). Register here for Bloomfield Hills.
Whether you’ve heard of Katie Hopkins (frequent guest with Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity) or not, you won’t want to miss out on any opportunity to hear her speak. And now you can do so from the comfort of your own home on your electronic devices!
Event 1:
On Saturday May 19th at 7:00PM, there will be a Sharia Crime Stoppers Webinar. Katie Hopkins will provide a firsthand account of the No-Go Zones from Sweden to Sicily, de facto Sharia in the U.K., and a surge in terror attacks in London.
She will reflect on her current Michigan fact-finding tour, draw comparisons that Americans need to hear, and ponder why Republicans and Democrats prefer to act as if nothing is wrong.
Watch from Any Device—Register ASAP – Limited Capacity
Event 2:
Thursday May 17th, 7:00PM—Live Presentation
SE Michigan Tea Party –
Dave and Busters
45511 Park Ave.
Utica, 48315
Event 3:
Friday May 18th at 9:35 AM—In-studio Interview
Frank Beckmann WJR 760 AM
Event 4:
Saturday May 19th at 9:00AM—In-studio Interview
Reverend Levon Yuille WDTK 1400 AM
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
Call us:
231-924-4050Email us:
info@americandecency.orgWrite us:
American Decency AssociationCopyright 2025 American Decency