The God Who Speaks

By: American Decency Staff

The God Who Speaks is the title of our FREE movie on Friday, March 16. Come join us at the American Decency headquarters at 203 E. Main St, in Fremont at either 1 PM or 7 PM. This 90-minute documentary is produced by the American Family Association in response to the war that rages within our culture, our churches, and our circle of friends and family against the truths found in Scripture and against the divine authorship of God’s holy Word, the Bible. We must keep our confidence in the authority of the Bible.

Some may be asking themselves, “Why should I come and watch a documentary on the Bible?” That’s a good question.

We’re all familiar with the big stories of “churches” walking away from the authority of God’s Word to be “culturally relevant,” stories about LGBT individuals invading the pulpit and the pew alike, and others chasing after any path except the “old paths.” But have we considered the smaller stories in our own lives or the lives of family members? Have we reflected on those paths that deviate from the holy way which God has called us to walk? Do we recognize that each step starts with doubting the Bible (indeed doubting God) within our minds, then denying its divine veracity, and finally taking those steps of disobedience? Have we taken the time to consider where these steps of disobedience lead? Jesus warned that there is a wide and a narrow way, both with their own eternal destinations. There needs to be a clarion call back to the inspired, instructive, authoritative Word of God! And that starts with once more believing that the Bible is actually the Word of God.

That’s why people should come out and watch this documentary. There won’t be the same kind of thrill or suspense which is found in other movies we have shown; but it could lead to the same kind of thrill as we recognize this film’s importance and are drawn deeper into a personal devotional life, desiring to know God deeper. THAT’S thrilling and it comes from believing that the Bible IS the authoritative Word of God.

Bible translator, William Mounce, opens the film with these words: “The Bible is the revelation of the character and will of God. It tells us who He is and how we can live in relationship with Him.” It’s vitally important to know God and to know Jesus, His only begotten Son. After all, according to John 17:3 that is eternal life. “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”

If we hope to know God then we must spend time in the Bible expecting to hear from Him. Kevin DeYoung, in speaking of the Bible, tells us, “For God to speak is for God to engage in self-revelation. We only know God because God has condescended to speak to us. One of the first things we say about God is that He is a speaking God. We would not know Him except He speaks to us.”

Alistair Begg, D.A. Carson, R.C. Sproul, Al Mohler, Kevin Deyoung, Alex McFarland, Conrad Mbewe, Erwin Lutzer, and Josh McDowell are just a few of the men who were interviewed for this well-done and informative film. These well-respected pastors, theologians, and teachers love both the Bible and its Author. Come and listen to them share the importance of accepting the Word of God as divinely inspired and therefore authoritative. Be encouraged to treat the Bible as authoritative and lived out in your own life. Invite others to join you and have conversations about the Bible with one another.

Admittedly there are times that the Bible is difficult to understand; nonetheless, it is God’s Word. Our lack of understanding may inhibit our application of the Bible to our lives, but our ignorance doesn’t affect the veracity or the authority of it. This is one of the many reasons I so appreciate Dr. Beeke’s book, The Family Worship Bible Guide. As my family and I read through the Bible, we have turned to this book on numerous occasions and have been helped by his insights, questions, and applications. It covers every chapter of the Bible and offers help for personal and/or family devotions. I strongly urge you to get a copy for yourself by either clicking here to purchase it from our online store or call Kimberly at (231) 924-4050.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.


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