Save the Dates!

By: American Decency Staff


Information gets shoved at us from all directions and we are left wondering, “Which is most important and how should I best spend my time?” Because of this, we are very careful about the events which we promote and the events we host. Please take a few moments to consider the events we are sharing here and take special note of the event, at the bottom, which we at American Decency will be hosting later in April.

While the following events on April 6, 7, and 8 are not hosted by American Decency, we want to make you aware of opportunities to hear from our friend Kamal Saleem.  Some of the events listed below will also feature gubernatorial candidate Pat Colbeck and former Department of Homeland Security analyst, Phil Haney.

Former terrorist Kamal Saleem will be the featured guest to talk about his true life experiences growing up in the Islamic community and about his former life as a hired terrorist against the United States. But the true God had other plans. Now his life’s focus is not only to share the love of Christ with Muslims, but also to wake-up America and the body of Christ regarding the clear and present danger radical Islam imposes upon our faith and our way of life. Kamal has been a guest on CBN, TCT, John Ankerberg and Fox News. He has spoken in much of the United States as well as several other countries.  He has just recently returned from a speaking engagement in Israel.

Hear Kamal at:

Friday, April 6
Each man will have ½ hour to speak with remaining time for Q & A
Senator Pat Colbeck– Philip Haney – Kamal Saleem
First Baptist Church
3185 N Williamston Rd
Williamston, MI

Saturday, April 7
A.C.T. Consortium – Affecting Culture with Truth
Senator Pat Colbeck– Kamal Saleem—and others
9:00AM – 4:00PM
Grand Haven Community Center
421 Columbus Ave.
Grand Haven, MI 49417

Sunday, April 8
Cross Fire Church – 9:30AM Pastor Keith
4780 Cornfield Dr.
Cedar Springs, MI 49319

Sunday, April 8
Grandville Bible Church – 6:00PM
4122 44th Street SW
Grandville, MI 49418

Friday, April 27,2018 (7 PM – 9 PM) at American Decency Association (203 E. Main, Fremont)


Saturday, April 28, 2018 (9 AM—Noon) at Double Tree in Grand Rapids (4747 28th St. SE)

William Federer (historian, author, and noted speaker) will be teaching us the importance of understanding the past in order to act in the present at our event, The Fall of Freedom, the Rise of Tyranny.

Join us and learn:

·         God’s Sovereignty in America’s founding and future

·         How America could turn 180 degrees in so many areas

·         Can we turn 180 degrees again? How?

·         America’s historical and contemporary relationship with Islam


Take special noticethat seats are limitedand we expect to have a full house at each location. Due to this, RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED for our April event.

Reserve your seat NOW!  Call (231) 924-4050 to guarantee your reservation today!

To support our efforts please click hereor mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. 

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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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Copyright 2025 American Decency