Protect Young Eyes-March 23

By: American Decency Staff


What’s more valuable than any possession you own? Your children and grandchildren! Why do we spend so much money on locks and security systems to guard our temporal blessings, yet leave the eyes/minds of those we love unguarded or to their own protection? With the booming of the digital age comes a BOOMING PROBLEM!

Screens are EVERYWHERE, and with them is the real potential and even probability of pornography. It’s dirty, degrading, detestable, deplorable…so of course good people don’t want to hear about it or talk about it. But guess what? WE NEED TO! We need to talk with our young people and we need to communicate with one another about this public crisis that desires to devour our child’s mind, relationships, and soul.

That being the case, let no excuse keep you from joining us on March 23 at 7 PM (203 E. Main St, Fremont – American Decency building). We will have the Protect Young Eyes (PYE) group here giving a fantastic presentation on the dangers of, and how to best protect your young person from the dangers of this digital age.

PYE describes themselves as “a clearinghouse for the best information that is available, primarily for faith-based parents, but really for anybody who wants to protect their kids. We profile, test, and recommend the best resources.”

Do you realize that porn is devastating the youngest of unaware minds (even kindergarten), as well as several generations who think that it’s no big deal.  We need to be more aware of today’s porn threat aimed at our children and grandchildren, more proactive in coming alongside them, and more aggressive in protecting them from digital dangers.

Software protection is important but it’s not enough. Direct and loving conversations are vital; so, we are hosting PYE here, to help you know how and what to do.

Listen to a few of the question that will be addressed during this all-important event:

·         How much screen time is too much?

·         When do I talk to my kids about “that”?

·         What are the risks surrounding Snapchat; should I give my 13-year-old Instagram?

·         What is the right age for a smartphone and what are the best solutions to control it?

·         What would I say if I found out my son was looking at porn?

These are only some of the topics to be discussed. If you aren’t sure of what some of the above terms are; if you have children or grandchildren; if you know any children; this event is for you!

This is a top-notch group with an important, realistic, and well-presented message. We must do all we can to protect those who are unaware that they even need protection. Regardless of how busy you may be, DO NOT miss out on this important event to help train you and your children regarding internet use. Become an active line of defense in protecting them. Join us on March 23 at 7 PM at the American Decency building (203 E. Main St, Fremont, Michigan).

Seating is limited to the first 135 people. Don’t miss out; register here or call 231-924-4050 today!

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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