Does God still speak to His people today?With Joy Behar recently mocking Vice-President Pence specifically, and casting aspersions on Christians in general, for “hearing” from Jesus, we come to American Family Association’s newest documentary: The God Who Speaks. Join us on Friday, March 16 at the American Decency headquarters at 203 E. Main St, in Fremont at either our 1 PM or 7 PM showing. Many churches still claim that they hold to the authority and inerrancy of the Bible, but do those in their congregations walk according to the Word or are they only paying lip-service to it? There are many other churches that don’t hold to the authority of the Scriptures in either teaching or deed. If we really believe in the authority of Scripture wouldn’t we be more compelled to walk according to its precepts?
This 90-minute documentary brings well-known and well-loved teachers of the Word together. Men like Alistair Begg, R.C. Sproul, Al Mohler, Kevin Deyoung, Conrad Mbewe, and Erwin Lutzer are just a few of the those who were interviewed for this well-done and informative film. Come and listen to them share the importance of accepting the Word of God as divinely inspired and therefore authoritative. Hear Conrad Mbewe explain, “We don’t go to the Bible wanting to judge the Scriptures. We go to the Bible with a sense of submission, wanting to hear what the living God has to say to us, and that’s crucial.” Listen and be encouraged to treat the Bible as authoritative and lived out in your own life. Invite others to join you and have conversations about the Bible with one another.
Click here and listen to director M.D. Perkins talk about the perpetual challenges to the authenticity of God’s Word in our culture today. This 1 minute and 49 second clip will also present a good reason as to why anyone should come and watch this film. The goal is not just more knowledge to make you look smarter; it’s to help you walk away with an awe of God, recognition of the beauty of God’s providence, and confidence that we have been given the Word of God.
Would you like to hear the reaction of others to this film? Click here and to listen to their reactions and see the trailer for this documentary or click here to just watch the trailer by itself.
“Meditate on the Word as you read it, consider the sense in the particular passages, looking to God for help, guidance, and direction, in the discovery of His mind and will in it, and then labor to have your heart affected with it.” These words, written by John Owen, compel us to hear this God who speaks through His Word. What would move us to put more than a cursory look into the Bible? Truly believing that it is indeed the Word of God and that it has rightful authority over our lives. So, you won’t want to miss out on this free opportunity to learn about the Bible and to be encouraged by these well-grounded and time-tested men of God. Join us on Friday, March 16 at the American Decency headquarters at 203 E. Main St, in Fremont at either our 1 PM or 7 PM showing of The God Who Speaks.
For a more in-depth look into this topic and the movie The God Who Speaks, click here to listen to this 37 minute interview with M.D. Perkins on The Hour of Intercession with Joseph Parker.
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