We at the American Decency Association attempt to bring top notch speakers with relevant information to our people; our fall event is no exception! We know the important impact that knowledge makes in a society and especially to those who vote and do their best to make a difference in a nation of individuals who have stopped thinking. By and large our readers crave such truth and that’s why they open our emails and come to our events.
I would dare say that few to none of you had heard of Stephen Coughlin or Frank Gaffney before becoming informed of these men through American Decency Association. I know that personally I was unaware of these men until Bill Johnson had told me about Secure Freedom Radio and its host, Frank Gaffney. I can’t tell you how the depth and width of my information gathering has changed since that day. It’s through this daily news briefing that I have gained knowledge of many organizations and many people that disseminate important truths in a manner that I can easily understand and share with others. One of these men that I was introduced to was Kevin Freeman.
American Decency is hosting Kevin Freeman for two phenomenal events; all I can say is “Wow, I’m so excited that we are having him come to educate, warn, and stir!” This man is tops in his field, understanding the international impact that both cyber warfare and economic warfare has on us nationally, politically, and personally! Not only does he understand all this, Kevin’s presentations are understandable, clear, powerful and relevant.
So don’t miss out! Mark your calendars! Register by calling Kimberly at 231-924-4050; or email Kim at: kimberly@americandecency.org
Of course you want to know where and when you can hear his presentation.
Friday, October 26, 2018
American Decency Association
203 E. Main Street Fremont, MI 49412
7:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2018
New Life Fellowship
12960 James Street, Holland, Michigan
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
The Bible warns us not to put our treasure here on earth because thieves break in and steal and moths and rust destroy (Matthew 6). But it also teaches in Proverbs 27:12 that "the wise man sees danger coming and prepares but the fool goes blindly on and suffers the consequences."
Kevin will be bringing a message entitled "Why Economic Warfare Puts You, Your Money, and Our Way of Life at Risk and What Can Be Done About It."
Kevin’s talk will cover risks of subversive market crash, cyber warfare, debt trap, dollar attacks by the left coordinating with enemies and adversaries (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Islamists). These are not just threats to America but also direct attacks on our Judeo-Christian heritage and our faith.The purpose of this talk is designed to promote wise preparation.
Although these topics may sound like a foreign language to many, Kevin makes them understandable. Kevin Freeman will be addressing these areas of warfare speaking to the need for advanced comprehension, hopefully enabling us to better engage the warfare and to live Biblically in an increasingly unfriendly world. We are blessed to have him at such a time as this.
Don’t miss out; register today!
We will be bringing you more information about Kevin Freeman and this upcoming conference in the few weeks ahead; but for starters, here are some links that will better acquaint you with this discerning, economic-savvy man of God.
The following link takes you to a series of four articles he wrote entitled The Winds of War. This link takes you to the fourth article because it links to the previous three. I encourage you to start with article one.
Learn more about Kevin and his work at www.economicwarroom.com.
Here is a recent link regarding John Kerry and other foreign entities’ attack on the U.S. dollar.
Tell your friends about this unique and great opportunity to become both informed and prepared!
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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