We’ve tirelessly educated and warned about the dangers of Shariah law and the possibilities of it undermining our Constitution, our freedoms, and the protection of our women and children. We’ve used every means available to us, through our email alerts, newsletters, decency minutes, and conferences. Still, there are many in the United States, and in Michigan, who doubt that Shariah law could ever become a prominent factor in these great United States, that Islam will ever have the foothold here that it has taken in Europe.
Do You Care About Your Future?
That’s both an important question and the name of our Friday, July 20 conference, starting at 7 PM at the Prince Conference Center (1800 East Beltline SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546). As stated, many in West Michigan think that succumbing to Shariah could never happen here. So this will be a conference unlike any other that we have hosted. With the help of Phil Haney and Farrah Prudence, we will be looking to a future based on the current groundwork which has been laid and that many have been either ignorant of or apathetic towards. Register here today.
Some would say that submission to Shariah will never happen here in America, because America’s founding has the roots of rebellion running deep within it. Let’s look at that for a minute. We rebelled against an oppressive government that ignored our inalienable rights, rights that have been granted to us by our Creator—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration of Independence had a long list of oppressive grievances, many of which could be similarly found within our own government today. Where’s the rebellion for rights and liberty today? There’s a large portion of America today that rebels against those inalienable rights, unless it’s their freedoms being infringed upon. “Life is not important…unless it’s mine. The freedom of speech and other liberties should only be granted to me and those who agree with me. My feelings about guns are more important than your right to protect yourself.” And the list goes on and on.
Look at the ACLU and the CAIR lawsuitsand/or the threats/pressures that are brought against companies and local city governments; do they mostly stand for their rights or do they mostly cave to the financial and societal pressures? One recent example: Dawud Walid, Executive Director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI), pressed the Warren city council for the removal of a 71 year-old lady in a non-paid, elected position for her anti-Islamic social media post against terrorists. She resigned but the mayor’s response was appreciation for the resignation and that “the city's diversity director has reached out to the imam at the Islamic Organization of North America in Warren and plans to start sensitivity training for commissioners” (Detroit News)
Look at the overreach of federal courts.Do we stand against them for what is right? Take the issues of abortion or gay marriage for example; how have we rebelled against these black-robed social engineers? Has it mattered what a state’s citizenry has said or how they’ve voted?
As the United Nations pushesfor global pro-Shariah legislation, including but not limited to Resolution 16/18, how many are even aware of such anti-First Amendment legislation, or our own government’s complicity in instituting this and similar legislation which would limit or do away with our freedoms for the sake of Islam? How many remember or even care that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had “zealously colluded with the OIC in seeking the implementation of 16/18”? (National Review, 12-15-12) How many Americans are even aware that there is an “OIC” or what “OIC” means? (It means Organization of Islamic Cooperation)
We are certainly not the kind of rebels our forefathers were. How could we be? We’ve had generations of children being force-fed false history, further pro-Islamic propaganda, and a distaste for even the founding of our nation. Add to that the fact that our education system continues to swerve left-ward. Here’s one headline from today: Betsy DeVos Seeks European Education for America. Waking up to the huge shift that’s taken place, instead of questioning whether pro-Shariah implementation is possible, we should be asking, “What can we do to make sure that it doesn’t happen here?”
One thing we can all do is get informed and inform others to the reality of the threat and to examine where the road we are currently traveling will take us. Awaken your children and those young adults in your sphere of influence by speaking regularly to them and inviting them to events like this.
This is a rare opportunity to hear from those who have witnessed and experienced the horrors and limitations of Shariah law for themselves. The only way to combat darkness and apathy is with the truth. You can’t force them to wake up; but you can put the truth before them.
Listen to DHS founding officer Phil Haney describe the potential path that’s being unleashed in and throughout Michigan that would lead to a lack of resistance from Christians, the church, law enforcement, city officials, our schools, and our governor.
Also listen to ex-Muslim, Farrah Prudence, share about the plight of women suffering under Shariah law around the world as she discusses, “We see women in Iran taking off their burkas and hijabs, risking their lives as they do so. What would cause women to take such public stances knowing their health and welfare is on the line for their bold actions?”
Get registered! The Do You Care About Your Future conference will take place on Friday, July 20, 2018 at 7 PM. Invite your church, your family, and your friends. Do what it takes to bring your young adults and students with you. WARNING: Some people who had not registered, or who waited too long to register, were turned away from our last event because there was no room. Don’t be left out…REGISTER! You can easily register by clicking hereor calling Kimberly at (231) 924-4050 or email her at kimberly@americandecency.org.
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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