A weekend like none we’ve brought before

By: American Decency Staff


Seating is limited! Register today for an ADA event unlike any other we’ve hosted to date by calling Kimberly at 231-924-4050; or email Kim at:  kimberly@americandecency.org

Join American Decency Association in welcoming senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy Kevin Freeman, as he clearly and concisely tells us Why Economic Warfare Puts You, Your Money, and Our Way of Life at Risk and What Can Be Done About It.” 

Register today; plan to bring family and friends to one of these two places!

Friday, October 26, 2018
American Decency Association
203 E. Main Street Fremont, MI  49412
7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Saturday, October 27, 2018
New Life Fellowship
12960 James Street, Holland, Michigan
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Kevin is first and foremost a Christian; a man who educates and warns people about the trends of our global and national economies and how best to prepare for what financial storms may come our way. Terms like cyber-warfare, financial terrorism, or economic warfare may have little to no meaning to you; but they should.  We need to be educated on these looming issues because they affect both the present day and future of our nation, our family, and us as individuals! Be aware of our times and act wisely and according to Scripture.

One could scour the internet for hours each day, read many news sources, and still not gain the insights that Kevin brings (unless one were to providentially be brought across Kevin’s path). Here is a wonderful opportunity for you, your young adult children and friends, your church, and others to come, learn, prepare, and discuss with an expert (Q & A) the global economy and how it affects our nation or us personally.

Take a few minutes to get to know this Christian author, speaker, and economic expert by reading a portion of his blog, listening to him being interviewed by Frank Gaffney on Secure Freedom Radio, or wander around his website to see what else he offers at www.economicwarroom.com. One other way to get to know about Kevin is to tune into Sandy Rios tomorrow (10/24) morning, as she interviews him.

The following is the second paragraph from Kevin’s most recent blog entry (his links included). He is educating his readers on why…

There are a few reasons to be at least a little suspicious about the rapid two-day retreat, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average falling about 1,400 points since Tuesday’s close. First, we know that Democrats are cheering. Bill Maher exposed the truth when he practically begged for a market crash. Then there is George Soros who knows quite a bit about market crashes and attacking economies. He would do just about anything to undermine the Administration. After the miserable failure to tear down Justice Kavanaugh, the libs are out for blood. They know that the strong economy and strong stock market are foundational underpinnings of the Trump presidency. And, they know that a stock market crash ahead of an election typically results in a political change. The party in power typically loses power. We certainly saw that in 2008.”

He also writes about the Chinese component and how the Deep State plays a role. To read his concise take on these other two aspects click here.

In recent emails I’ve shared mostly about China’s economic attacks; to hear Kevin and Frank Gaffney discuss Russia’s hidden economic warfare attacks click here.

To hear Kevin and Frank discuss the implications of Russia’s improved wheat production click here.

Perhaps economic issues or financial terrorism doesn’t strike you as very interesting. Nonetheless, these are important topics and Kevin makes them interesting and shows how they are applicable. You don’t want to miss out on this important event. Many young people may roll their eyes (at least inwardly) when you invite them to come, invite them anyway and tell them that this time of learning IS important and may be profitable.

Register NOW! Don’t miss out seeing that space is limited. CALL Kimberly at 231-924-4050 or EMAIL her at kimberly@americandecency.org.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. 

 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.




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