A transformer on fire …

By: American Decency Staff

A transformer on fire!  That’s a strange way to start an email alert as we go into a long Labor Day Weekend.

It’s hard to get people’s attention on a Friday of a holiday weekend so I’m using the image of a transformer on fire to get your attention as it did Jan and me earlier in the week.

As many of you know, our area in Michigan had a very, very dry summer – like none I ever recall.  But, that all changed earlier this week with a massive rain storm of 6 inches of rain accompanied by heavy winds, thunder and lightning!

Jan and I were doing devotions on that particular morning at 5 am with the winds blowing and thunder clapping when all of a sudden lightning directly struck the electrical transformer at the top of the light pole.  A direct hit!  The blaze from the lightning was ELECTRIC with overpowering light and sound.

The transformer fell to the ground and was red hot with fire.
  Uncertainty froze me for a moment then my thinking kicked in,  and I called Consumers Power. 

The transformer containing oil burned hot and bright for at least 30 minutes.

It was quite a show.     

Over 50,000 homes were without electricity.  Because of the complexity of our issue, a new transformer had to be ordered and secured putting us at the end of the schedule to restore list.  The professionals said they had never seen a direct hit like ours.

Finally, when the Consumers trucks showed up on Wednesday evening, the weather again (as if on cue) started to turn ugly with heavy wind, thunder, hard rain. 

The crew stepped into the mess – with weather beaten, wet faces and work uniforms, braving the heavy winds.  Concerned, I ran out to urge them not to take any chances as one of them had already mounted the lift that elevated him up to the highest level of the pole as they were preparing to maneuver the transformer and secure it into position. 

I say all of this to say that the acts of this crew to battle against the forces of nature really stirred our hearts as we saw and benefitted from men who served and labored on our behalf when they could have excused themselves until the weather conditions returned to some semblance of normalcy removing themselves from harm’s way.

My bigger point? 

This short summation of the labors of this crew of men coming to the aide of our household is just one example of the American labor force at work! 

Yes there are many signs of decline in America. Indeed.  However, if we stop and look around and think a little bit of recent examples of  “every day”  people serving, assisting, volunteering, standing in the gap, I think most of us would agree “It is amazing to see individuals and crews and professionals and volunteers laboring efficiently, effectively and caringly.”

Am I right on?   I think so.

Just a few examples will have to suffice for now.

Our very own volunteers that come and assist us at ADA helping to put together our newsletters on a monthly basis –and many, many different lovely people  down through the years – eagerly serving us and helping to make our work go better. 

Police officers, fire fighters, waste removal people, teachers, health care professionals, food services, builders, pastors and Sunday school teachers,  shop keepers, custodial staff, plumbers, electricians,  farmers, milk producers, factory workers, etc.   And, in some cases, legislators and government officials.  I say in some cases due to heart-breaking concerns about corruption particularly at the federal level but sadly in some cases at the state level as well.   Pray for our government officials!  They are desperately needed to step up and serve as many of the "every day" folks that we see day by day!  Serving. 

May we not lose sight of the greatness of so many in our embattled but beloved America.

Whatever you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord. Colossians 3:23. 
That God would be glorified and people would be helped! 

Happy Labor Day from all of us American Decency Association! 

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