A Hot Topic for a Cold Day

By: American Decency Staff

American Decency’s first event of 2018 starts in just two short days. Register now for the Fremont location at American Decency Headquarters (203 E. Main St. Fremont, Mi)—Friday, February 9 at 7 PM.Or sign up for the Grand Rapids location at the Prince Conference Center (1800 East Beltline Ave SE. Grand Rapids, MI. 49546)—Saturday, February 10 at 9 AM.

If the heat of a topic and the passion of speakers such as Stephen Coughlin and Dick Manaserri could affect the weather, Michigan would look like sunny Florida in two days, regardless the expected forecast. That’s right, topics like Islamic infiltration into our government, society, and educational system, Sharia law attempting to replace Constitutional law, and the necessity of our local law enforcement “getting it,” are hot topics. Steve and Dick are not only well informed but speak with fervency as well. After these events we expect that people will want to gather warmly and talk about what they have just heard.

Want a taste of what you’ll hear?

Today on Sandy Rios in the Morning on American Family Radio, Sandy both encouraged people to come to our event and interviewed one of our key speakers, Dick Manaserri. Listen here (around the 18 minute and 50 second mark) to better understand some of what Dick will be speaking about on Friday and Saturday. Click here to acquaint yourself with Sharia Crime Stoppers before hearing Dick talk about it.

Sandy Rios also mentioned our other speaker, Stephen Coughlin. Steve remains in the thick of things, gathering information, briefing others, and keeping his finger on the pulse of our nation. He is a true patriot and “watchman on the wall.” If you want a feel for what he has been up to lately, watch his presentation to the SC Tea Party from just last month. You’re sure to be amazed at some of the information he gives and you’ll be grateful you took the time to listen and the time to come to our event this weekend. Check out Steve’s website here and read up on some of his articles or watch other videos.

Don’t be left in the cold; reheat your patriotism and get involved. Register now for the Fremont location at American Decency Headquarters (203 E. Main St. Fremont, Mi)—Friday, February 9 at 7 PM.Or sign up for the Grand Rapids location at the Prince Conference Center (1800 East Beltline Ave SE. Grand Rapids, MI. 49546)—Saturday, February 10 at 9 AM.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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