“So if it’s a Disney movie, it’s got to be good. Right?—WRONG!” So opens one of our most recent “Decency Minutes;” listen to it in its entirety here. By now most have heard about Disney’s newest remake—Beauty and the Beast—and its “exclusively gay moment.” This not only has caused controversy between Disney and the Church, but has sparked controversy and hostility within the church as well.
Don Wildmon, founder of American Family Association (AFA), and Bill Johnson, founder of American Decency Association (ADA), have long warned about the dangers of Disney and its ongoing attacks against the family, holiness, and decency. They’ve passionately warned that the love affair between the Christian and the Magical Kingdom is an illicit and dangerous one.
Believers are called to distinguish between the holy and the profane; why do so many lack discernment, especially where entertainment is concerned? There is such a lack of concern with what we fill our minds with; even more disturbing, there is often a greater lack of caution when it comes to what we allow our children’s minds to be filled with. Everything that goes into one’s mind—whether it enters the eye-gate, the ear-gate, or dwells in one’s mind—plays a role in what that person becomes. We must take a stand and set boundaries for ourselves and our children. Post a sentry at the gates! Encourage your children to be like Daniel, who purposed in his heart to not defile himself, even with food and drink.
Disney’s most recent melee against Christ, decency, and Biblical, normal marriage comes in the form of this movie remake. Many say that Beauty and the Beast is much less than an attack. They call for the Christian to hold his tongue rather than withhold their money from this piece of “sin-amatic” history. However, this attack can be well summed up with a few quotes from movie reviews, Beauty and the Beast’s openly gay director, and a British gay lifestyle magazine (attitude):
“GLAAD has finally gotten their way, and Disney is giving the LGBTQ community what it has been wanting for a while now. A truly gay Disney character.” (MOVIEWEB)
Beauty and the Beast Director, Bill Condon, in an interview with attitudemagazine: “LeFou is somebody who on one day wants to be Gaston and on another day wants to kiss Gaston. He’s confused about what he wants. It’s somebody who’s just realising that he has these feelings. And Josh makes something really subtle and delicious out of it. And that’s what has its payoff at the end, which I don’t want to give away. But it is a nice, exclusively gay moment in a Disney movie.” According to the Daily Wire, this same director states that he’d like to rip pages out of the Bible.
attitude’s (a British gay lifestyle magazine) editor-in-chief Matt Cain: “It may have been a long time coming but this is a watershed moment for Disney. By representing same-sex attraction in this short but explicitly gay scene, the studio is sending out a message that this is normal and natural – and this is a message that will be heard in every country of the world, even countries where it’s still socially unacceptable or even illegal to be gay.” Mr. Cain goes on to applaud Disney, stating that he hopes this will help “to change attitudes and bring about real social progress.”
That Disney would “gamble” $300 million on a “nice, exclusively gay moment” is very telling. It shows that this movie mogul believes that pandering to homosexuality in our culture and to our children is a safe “bet.” Why not? They have done their part to promote and push the LGBT agenda as being normal, part and parcel of a tolerant and aberrant American society. They must not feel any fiscal danger from a church that has been complicit in supporting their agendas, entertaining themselves with “House of Mouse.” Disney in general -and with Beauty and the Beast specifically- has even played a part in bringing to fulfillment communist goal number 26, found in TheNaked Communist: “Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as ‘normal, natural, healthy.’”
Let’s look at another danger of Disney taking these “classics” and remaking them with even less subtle LGBT overtones. The children who saw these movies in the ‘90s have an emotional investment in them. They’ve enjoyed these fond moments of laughter and good times which are now in their memories. These grown-up children will now take their own children to see these remade movies that portray the LGBT lifestyle as normal. This also is done in an enjoyable manner. Now there are two generations that have fond memories and have been—at least a little—indoctrinated with the normalcy of what God calls abominable.
The Disney Corporation is not a friend to families, Christ, or America. It produces and promotes witchcraft, LGBT agendas, disrespect of authority, poor morals, infidelity, and the list goes on. Recently one of their animated shows on the Disney XD channel showed a theater full of children kissing in same-sex pairs. When it comes to entertainment we must be so careful; it changes our thinking patterns and eventually what we stand for or against. Our children are being changed clip by clip, image by image, condoned sin by condoned sin. Take a righteous stand!
Here are a few recent decency minutes that will urge you to take caution in what you are entertained by. Listen as Bill Johnson speaks truth into your life. (Here, here, and here)
In an article last year, we warned about Disney’s subtle attacks: “The magical kingdom attacks absolute truth by entertaining us with stories that transform our minds little by little. Their stories would have us believe that truth is relative, the Bible outdated, and morality a thing of the past. Their agenda moves us to set our affection on earthly things ignoring the eternal consequences. Paul, standing for the Majestic kingdom, calls us to “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:2) He warns us, “Don’t be conformed to the world.” Then he exhorts us, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2) Regardless of where our entertainment comes from, we must ask ourselves, “Does this fall in line with God’s precepts? Would Jesus approve of this?” (Then give Biblical rationale that falls within the whole counsel of God). Finally, ask, “Does this company support things which run contrary to God’s standards?”
The true believer is to know the difference between the sacred and the profane. Ours is to teach that difference.
Take a stand against abominable entertainments; have conversations about them with your children, family, and friends. We must not remain silent in the face of such acidic, erosive, entertainments that undermine and destroy our culture and our sensitivity to God, His Word, and His will. (This goes way beyond Beauty and the Beast) America is being destroyed from within, one entertainment choice at a time. Lack of Biblical response, or apathetic response, or no response to those things which destroy, will leave us broken and weak as families and as a nation.
We urge you to stand with AFA, boycotting the movie Beauty and the Beast. Click here to sign an open letter to Disney today. Let Disney know you will not support these movies that serve as a method of indoctrination for the LGBT agendas. Join the almost 51,000 signers today.
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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