Trevor Loudon: Connecting the Dots of the Enemies Within

By: American Decency Staff

Our event with Trevor Loudon was an exciting and informative time. With over 150 people in attendance this past Saturday, they did not leave disappointed. Trevor Loudon brought the message loud and clear: We have been given a short reprieve, yet the war is real and the war is now. If we hope to keep our freedom and if we hope to make this country a better place for our children and grandchildren to inherit, we must act NOW!

It was encouraging to hear these following statements as people left the auditorium: “I knew things were bad but I didn’t know they were that bad.” “I can’t believe it!” “We need to get this message out to everyone.” “How is this kept quiet?”

If you weren’t able to attend this amazing event, you’ll want to order the CD ($5) or DVD ($10). Even if you attended, you’ll want to order multiple copies to get this vital information into the hands of your friends and family members.

Trevor is from New Zealand; even though a foreigner, he gives an impassioned plea to America to wake up and recognize that the dangers which surround us are very real. He proclaims that America is the last best hope for freedom and that if it falters here, the bad guys will overtake this planet. He named countries and listed some of the men and women in our own government who are complicit in this attempt to destroy America. Mr. Loudon was very blunt in naming one individual as being one of those who has done the most damage to our nation from within our government—Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit, MI). This man has been a member of Congress since 1965 and is currently its longest-serving current member.

While singing the praises of President Trump, he made sure to let us know that our job is far from over. The left has declared war on Trump. The media and Hollywood are against him; the Democrats are against him; the Unions are against him; and even a large chunk of his own party is against him. “This man needs help folks…he is all we have between us and oblivion. Because if the Democrats win their war, the media win their war, and basically screw up his agenda, and they take back the Senate in 2018, you can kiss it all good-bye folks. Because all the things he wants to do that need to be done, will not get done. And he will lose in 2020 and we’ll be back to square one, only we will not get another chance.” 

We’ve been given a reprieve—not salvation—only a reprieve…a second chance. We must understand that now more than ever, NOW is the time to work harder than we ever have.

Trevor Loudon warned against the legalization of illegal immigrants—giving them amnesty or bringing in refugees by the boatloads. There are between 12-14 million illegals in this country. These people generally vote Democrat; we’ll end up with a one party system. He warned of the many end results should that happen.

This is part of their agenda, quoting Eliseo Medina (the leading pusher for amnesty in this country): “Passing immigration amnesty is the number one priority of the progressive movement. We have to get citizenship and voting rights for 11 million undocumented workers.

The union has become one of the leading middle-men in transforming America from a constitutional republic into a communist nation. Communist policies became union policies which then became Democrat policies. That’s how 15,000 communist are basically running this country of 320 million people. That’s 15,000 people deciding how 320 million people—including you and me—must live.

If you’re not familiar with the names John Conyers, Cesar Chavez, and Eliseo Medina; if you’re not sure how the unions are involved in the communist agenda; if you’d like to know how to make a difference for the betterment of this nation, we urge you to get the DVD ($10) or CD ($5) of this conference.

The Democrat party of yesteryear is NOT the Democrat party of today. The Communist influence in this party is overwhelming and it forces this devastating agenda upon our nation and its people today. Trevor Loudon calls for a revolution, BUT A BLOODLESS ONE. He doesn’t want to see guns and bullets but it IS vital to restore the Constitution. “We have to win this thing peacefully…I want this to be the first bloodless counter-revolution in history; I don’t want to see a single drop of blood spilled. But by that same token, keep your guns and make sure you never give them up because they are your guarantee of liberty.”

Although we are in a fight for liberty, we must never forget that our TRUE liberty is only found in Jesus Christ. If we are in Christ, we are free regardless the shackles or prisons we may find our physical bodies to be in. We must never lose sight of TRUE freedom in the midst of our present-day battles.

Trevor Loudon made a few references to God in his presentation that we should take note of. He pointed out that Divine intervention played a role in our most recent election. He reminded us that “The Black Robed Regiment” was largely responsible for winning the Revolutionary War. He also spoke of the importance of prayer and personal action working hand in hand.

As always, we do encourage you to pray. We live in perilous times and such times must be met with fervent prayer. We also urge you to put feet to your prayers. As Leonard Ravenhill was noted for saying, “Prayer is no substitute for work; equally true is it that no work is substitute for prayer.

What can we do? That’s a question that seems to haunt each of us after attending one of these types of events. Several times Trevor urged us to use social media to get the word out. Join in the battle for public opinion. Tweet out truth. Field the false narratives on Facebook; comment with the truth and point out the fallacies for what they are. Whatever social media outlet you are using, share truth and encourage others to take action.

Specifically, let people know about this very important bill: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has introduced a bill called “Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act.” The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 and has been infiltrating our government and establishing their agenda here in America for years. They are within our government and their influence upon others in our government is great. Instead of listening to them and funding them, we should be treating them as the enemy they are. Several countries, including Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, have already designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. It’s past time that we do likewise. We need to pass this act, refusing to any longer allow our enemy to dictate how we can protect ourselves. To read more about this click here.

Tweet it, share it on Facebook, have good old-fashioned face to face conversations about it. Encourage people to let this administration and this 115th Congress know that you not only stand behind these acts of common sense safety, but that we expect them to move on these things.

To hear Frank Gaffney and Rep. Lee Zeldin (NY-1), member of the House Committees on Financial Services and Foreign Affairs, talk about this important topic, click here. (This link also includes a conversation between Trevor Loudon and Frank Gaffney.)

A recent interview between Ginni Thomas (wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas) and Trevor Loudon can be viewed here.

To order either the CD ($5) or DVD ($10) of this event, either email or call (231) 924-4050.


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 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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