Tonight is the Night – Join us!

By: American Decency Staff


Tonight is the night!  Come to the American Decency headquarters at 7PM (203 E. Main St, Fremont, MI), to join the Bowers family who will be bringing a ministry of music. Listen as Curtis Bowers shares from his heart regarding the state of our nation. Many of you are burdened—as this family is—for both the political and spiritual condition that our country is in. Let us join together over these matters.

Knowledge often brings the weight of necessity, to share both the truth and the solution. The prophet Jeremiah said that he couldn’t keep the truth inside, he had to speak it. With the expansive knowledge that comes from producing two documentaries about evil infiltrating our government (AGENDA 1 &2), there’s an intensive message that Curtis Bowers feels compelled to share. Like a modern day prophet, he knows the truth and sees where it will lead us. Also like the prophets of old he knows the only answer. What a blessing that he not only cries aloud about the trouble we are in but  he’s always pointing to the atoning and reviving work of Christ as the answer to our problems—both nationally and personally. Paraphrasing from Curtis’ messages, “God almost never works from the top down. He starts with us personally and builds up from there.”

Yesterday was a prelude to tonight as we were blessed during the National Day of Prayer, at Veterans Memorial Park, joining with fellow believers to entreat the God of all that is.

Bill Johnson welcomed us; Ron Workman opened in prayer; and the Bowers family set a worshipful tone with singing that focused on God’s great grace and our Saviour’s great love.

Before opening the time of public prayer and supplication, Curtis Bowers gave a short devotional based on Deuteronomy 20:1. “When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.”

Mr. Bowers focused on the words in bold above.

When (not if):It’s to be expected that there will be battles.

Enemies:When we are doing what is right, when we are standing for God, there will be an abundance of enemies.

More:When we stand for what is right; we will be in the minority. The devil has his multitudes; but…

BE NOT AFRAID: Seeing the vast number of enemies and our own frailties, fear would be expected and natural. BUT…

God IS with thee:  Because God is mightier than any enemy; because God is for us—FEAR NOT! If we will fear God alone, we needn’t fear men. If we stand with God, He stands with us. He is all-powerful and does wondrous works, like bringing Israel out of Egypt in a miraculous and mighty way. He is still all-powerful and still works miracles.

Curtis told of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s answer when asked why all the evil and atrocities had happened: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

Encouraging us to not forget God, he called us to raise our family in accordance to God’s Word. He called upon us to live and walk rightly. He exhorted us to point to God’s greatness in the Bible, but also to show His greatness, to our children, from our own personal lives. Show our children the awesome works God has done in our family and in their own lives too. Help them to recognize what He has done and is doing.

He called us to live lives in obedience to God and to be a faithful witness to Him.

Following this brief meditation, Ron Workman called upon the crowd to pray, asking for God’s help and guidance in various areas of our lives. Men, women, and children called out to God on behalf of our families, our churches and their pastors, our nation politically, and that God would bring our nation to repentance.

Following this precious time of prayer, the Bowers family closed with a couple of songs.

Tonight at 7 PM!  This is sure to be an enjoyable time for young and old alike. We anticipate that a good number from yesterday will return tonight for the practical messaging and music of the entire Bowers family, for the time of Q & A, and the fellowship with snacks that will follow. To assure a good seat, you may want to arrive a few minutes early.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.


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