MARK YOUR CALENDARS TODAY! Friday, October 13th at 7 PM and Saturday morning, October 14th at 9 AM until noon. That’s right, save the date; you will NOT want to miss out on this event.
What makes this event so special? Featuring Christ first and foremost, we will also be featuring two well-seasoned Christian warriors, who have had their share of scars and battles; and yet they are STILL STRONGLY and FAITHFULLY ENGAGED in the battle today!
Who are these frontline soldiers of Christ? They are Founder and president of the American Decency Association (ADA) Bill Johnson and author, pastor, teacher Dr. Norman De Jong. Both of these men have held—and continue to hold high—the Sword of Truth, taking it into battle against the “prince of the power of the air.” Instead of settling for easy answers, these men grind it out, seeking the mind of God—you do NOT want to miss out on their timely and important messaging.
Bill Johnson: Knowing that God has called him to fight the battle on many fronts, this man of God has remained stalwart on the frontlines in all areas of the culture. Bringing the battle for purity, decency, and holiness into the many arenas of our society, he doesn’t falter; because the battle is always for the Lord’s work, for there isn’t one area over which Christ is not Lord. Bill’s desire is to see Christ magnified and lifted up, dispelling darkness and ungodliness. Read these words of C.H. Spurgeon and you’ll see how this brother in the Lord is a crusader in his own right. “The religion of Jesus is unselfish: it enlists a man as a crusader against everything that is unrighteous. We are knights of the red cross, and our bloodless battles are against all things that degrade our fellow-men, whether they be causes social, political, or religious. We fight for everything that is good, true, and just.”
Humble yet bold, Bill is bringing a message of burden yet promise. As he speaks on “The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon,” you’ll recognize the sovereignty of God and hear the burden of personal responsibility. Will the Lord place a burden on you as well? Come; listen and be blessed.
Honestly, we know you are busy, this world gets crazier and more busy every passing day. But for your benefit; for your education and edification; don’t miss out on this time of teaching and spiritual rekindling. These men have a passion for Jesus and for the message God has laid on their hearts. So, join us at the American Decency headquarters (203 E. Main St. Fremont, MI. 49412) on Friday, October 13 at 7PM or Saturday morning in Grand Rapids (Double Tree by Hilton 4747 28th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512) on October 14 starting at 9 AM. Call Kimberly at 231-924-4050 or email us at kimberly@americandecency.orgtoday and reserve your free seat!
Dr. Norman De Jong:If one looks on Amazon for this author, it’s apparent by the titles of his various booksthat he doesn’t shy away from conflict. For that matter, one might say that Dr. De Jong sets his pen to where the battle is hottest and the church stance most controversial. Thus he well fits the true soldier in this quote often attributed to Martin Luther: “If I profess, with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christianity. Where the battle rages the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battle-field besides is mere flight and disgrace to him if he flinches at that one point.”
They say that the pen is mightier than the sword, but this man of God comes wielding the sword that is mightier than the pen; he comes faithfully handling the sword of truth, the Word of God. Come; listen to his message, “The Cross and the Double-edged Sword.” Come; hear the truth and be moved by the truth.
It’s a rare opportunity to hear either of these men speak. God has brought these two men together for such a time as this. Contact us at 231-924-4050 or, or sign up directly at to reserve your seat at either the Fremont or Grand Rapids location today. Bring friends and family to hear messages that speak to our times and are faithful to the Word of God. Dr. Norman De Jong will also have two of his books (The Cross and the Double-Edged Sword and When Democracy Comes To Church) available for purchase at these events.
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