The Divine Dovetail-ADA 2017 Spring Conference at the Shack

By: American Decency Staff


What an amazing timeGod laid out for those who attended the “Why do the nations rage” conference this last weekend at the Shack. It was God who brought these speakers together and it was His Spirit’s leading that dovetailed their messages for such a time as this. Whether you attended this special event or weren’t able to make it, don’t miss out on the opportunity to order individual messages or the whole set of this conference. To order, contact Kim at (231) 924-4050 or email her at below for pricing.)

“Have you thought about what this world would be like without the cross?” This disturbing thought and call to consideration was brought by Pastor Ron Workman, as he opened the conference with a message entitled “Why do the Nations Rage?” According to Romans chapter one, those “who hold the truth in unrighteousness” are given over to a reprobate mind—which is a depraved mind—which produces rebellion; and this rebellion produces rejection. As governments, societies, and families rebel against God’s truth, they reject God and the work which was done at the cross.

As these nations reject the truth, they rage. They rage against God, against His Son, and against all that is holy and right. But how does God see these raging nations? Pastor Workman pointed out in Isaiah chapter forty that all nations are nothing in the hand of God.

This humble man of God read “Communist Rules for Revolution,” pointing out that these things are happening all around us here in the United States today, reminding us that we are in the midst of spiritual warfare. It was a great reminder to hear: “The archenemy of God is the archenemy of every soul of man.” Closing out this message he pointed to pride as being the problem. It’s pride that makes nations and men rage. It’s pride that made Lucifer to fall. The only cure to pride is found in the atoning work of Jesus on the cross.

Order this message today by calling Kim at (231) 924-4050 or emailing her at

ADA founder and president, Bill Johnson, and former member of the Republican National Committee, Dave Agema, sat down for a question and answer period to address how “the people plot in vain.” Bill started off by asking Dave about the sovereignty of God, man’s activism, and where he falls on the spectrum of those two extremes.

Mr. Agema stated that people need to have their feet in both worlds. In other words, of course we trust in the sovereignty of God, but we are also called to be active—we mustn’t neglect our duty.

As questions were asked and answers given, the topics of politics, how the system works, an admonition to throw off apathy, the infiltration of Islam into our society and the school system, and many others were covered. As a Christian, former pilot, and former politician Dave Agema is truly a wealth of knowledge and doesn’t back down from the hard questions or difficult situations. It was a blessing to hear him talk about putting his faith in the Lord during the dark and stormy times of his political career.

Mr. Agema also spoke of former terrorist—now Christian—Kamal Saleem, who is now a close friend. As a side note: Kamal Saleem will be at the Fremont Wesleyan Church (918 Garden Ave, Fremont, MI) this Friday, June 9 at 7 PM. Kamal has a terrific testimony and an unique insight into Islam, terrorism, and their goal.

If you’d like to hear who Mr. Agema supports for the up-coming gubernatorial race order the Q & A with Bill and Dave today.  Contact Kim at (231) 924-4050 or email her at below for pricing.)

Several enjoyed conversations with the speakers—or with each other—over banana splits on Friday and Saturday evening. It was certainly a great time of fellowship and encouragement.

Saturday morning Mary Beeke brought a well-prepared and well-presented speech on the “Reformation of the Family.” If you have children, grandchildren, know someone who does, or hope to someday, you will want to own a copy of this session. Who would think that anyone could pack so much valuable information into one hour?

Her outline was:

1.Planting the seed: If we would desire God to plant the seed of faith in our child’s heart, we need to prepare the soil of that heart. This is done through prayer, family/personal devotions, and love.

2.Nurturing the shoots: Catch them being good, try to proactively head off the dangers you see the child walking toward, and use discipline as necessary. Family worship is vital!

3.Bearing the fruit:  What does that fruit look like? Mrs. Beeke took each part of the fruit of the Spirit and answered the question, “What does that look like?” in the life of a growing and developing child within the framework of a God-covenanted family.

4.Watching on the Wall: Enemies abound that would destroy your child or your family. We must be ever vigilant and ready to fight. She used Nehemiah as an example—trowel in one hand; sword in the other. Here we heard about the various enemies to our family today and the essential need of putting on the whole armor of God.

5.Keeping the gate: We are to not only stand guard but we are called to permeate (not infiltrate) the world around us with the love of God. As we guard our family, we should also be reaching out to others with the love of Christ and sharing the truth of His atoning work.

Finally, in all these things, let us pray! Mrs. Beeke opened and closed her session by quoting from the song “Shelter in the Time of Storm.” If you’d like the seriousness and importance of a God-growing family impressed upon your mind or the mind of another, do NOT neglect purchasing this timely message for today. Contact Kim at (231) 924-4050 or email her at

Pastor Terry Slachter was the final solo speaker of this event, bringing the message “Snowflakes Meet Sovereign God.” He listed out 4 self-imposed characteristics of this millennial generation, then looked at these same—and rightfully true—characteristics in light of the Lord sitting on his holy hill, and brought them together in an Amos-like “Prepare to meet your God” kind of way (Amos 4:12).

Pastor Slachter impressed upon us the importance of prayer, especially in light of a great awakening— of which we are in desperate need. He reminded us that it is God moving His church to pray and preach the true Word; it is God using His church to prepare the way for Him to work within a nation.

Perhaps one of the most shocking aspects of this session was a map of Michigan by county, showing the percentage numbers of the un-churched within each country. 

Pastor Slachter left us with three important and difficult challenges.

1. Do not compromise the Gospel—sow it out in the field!
2. Do not minimize the church kids—shepherd them!
3. Do not concede—intercede, seeking the King and His renewing Spirit.

Interested in learning about this generation and the needs they have which must be met? Order this message or the whole conference event by calling Kim at (231) 924-4050 or emailing her at below for pricing.)

The recap of this event would in no way be complete if I neglected to share with you the warm, sincere music ministry of the Van Houten family singers or Sunday’s message by Dr. Joel Beeke.

The Van Houten family—from Holland, Michigan—consisted of Adrian and Sharon Van Houten, two elderly saints that are led by the Spirit and maintain powerful voices, by the grace of God. They opened the daily sessions which only whetted our appetite for their concert on Saturday evening. What a wonderful addition they were to this conference.

This conference ended with a bang, as Dr. Joel Beeke broke forth the Word of Life for us from Psalm chapter 2. This man of God brought a tremendous message of repentance. Like Daniel, in Daniel chapter 9, Dr. Beeke laid bare our national sins, their ugliness before a Holy God, and called us to repentance. In short, we were exhorted to “Kiss the Son”—humble ourselves before Him and obeying His command to repent and believe.

We urge you, DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS MESSAGE. One person has said, This is the best sermon on repentance that I have ever heard.Order one for you and extras to hand out.

We would certainly be remiss if we didn’t say a BIG THANK YOU to Marv and Jeanette Deur for their friendly service and constant, Christ-like servanthood at The Shack. With the beautiful and serene surroundings and the gentle atmosphere which pervades their grounds, it’s a great benefit to having our event there. Thank you!

And thank you to all who spoke and were in attendance. Each and every one of you made this event one to remember. May you be blessed for having taken time out of your very busy schedules and may the messages you heard continue to bless as the Lord brings them to your remembrance.

Don’t forget to order these messages to either pass along or listen to again.  

Individual messages:

DVD – $ 5.00 
audio CD – $ 3.00

Complete set of all five messages

DVD set – $20.00
audio CD set – $ 12.00

(Shipping costs:  $3 per order.)

To place an order,call Kim at (231) 924-4050 or email her at

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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